Page 14 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 1
P. 14

comwueo mam ms; 11
ca ll Before You Dig
Be aware of pipeline
A pipeline could be buried mafkefs in yguf
near you neighborhood and at your
wo rksite
For ynur aarery, pipelines are marked by above ground
i signs to prayrale an inarealian of their pmsEn(Er
. approximate looalion, malerial oarrieel and «he name
mm and Contact rniormaiion of the company that Dpzratzs
“'5 bel ' the pipeline. Markers may be anywhere along the
0 I Ilflfliffl VIII dig. right-of-way (a ship of lanai usually aboul 25 ID 150
feet wiele dial contains a prpeline) or alireelly over «he
pipeline ilselr. These markers are generally yellow.
, black anal red in ralor. The pipeline may nor follow
a slraighl eaurse berween markers. while rriarkzrs
. are helpiul in locating pipelines, lhey ola nor prayiole
‘_ infnrrriat-ion such as how many pipelines are below or
,, lhe eleplh or the lines. The primary hrncrion of rhese
markers is in ielenri r e laoauon of e r line
*1 “I P Pe
' V ' generally as an alen to lhase who mighi be working
along the pipeline eon-iolor ior another uulrry or
- __ - eluring are oanslrueuon of homes Dr businesses
_ V A "' ‘ nearby. Ynu should be aware of any pipeline markers
‘ » - rn your neighborhood. As «he sayrng goes, "Know
your neighbors." wnle olawn lhe name and phnne
The people of Arkansas depend on numbers appearing on the pipeline markers in case of
Williams pipelines to help meet their Emergency»
ene(gy need, 1-hat-S Why Wevre r-ipeiine markers are imponanl ior the sarery of lhe
general publie. It is a federal crime for any person
depending 0” BXCBVNOVS I0 03“ 81 1 (cl wrllhrlly rierace, damage, remove or elesiroy any
before digging anywhere in the vicinity pipeline ism‘ 0! nsht-Di-Way marker-
of our pipelines.
. Hi h conse uenceAreas
If you should happen to accidentally g ‘I
. . . . in accordance wuh reaeral regulalions, some
Smke 3 p'pe"”e' '1 '5 ‘mponam ma‘ areas near pipelines have been desrgnared as High
you Contact us immediately. Even minor consequenee Areas. i-‘orlhese areas. supplerneniai
- hazard assessmenl and preyenlian programs
damage could result in a future leak if kmwn mmgmy ggmmlpmgmms haw
not promptly repaired. been eleveloperi. If a pipeline operaror has High
canseauenee Areas, informal-inn abaul ese plans
 _ ‘ may be available zhrough uieir company’: websire Dr
call 811 Before You Dig! It s The Law. by contacting the operator’: rorparareomees.
  There is a wiele range of products b-ayeling urraugh
For more information, contact us the tfhous-=-as °i;““°5°‘P‘i‘f9“io“¢5r_':‘l’°¥{A“|i"E-‘:“fl:fl
gas or your car oxygen r spi s any 0 ese
at our non-emergency number‘. products eanbe highly flammable, harmhrl iiinllaledr
_ _ breaching. some or the maieriaia could cause
1   causeeyeorskinirrilafionorpossfblycausediffi
environrnenial damage. laecauae or these potential
hazards, it Is important for our neighbors to be ab
' ' line leak.
. .//2 magma 3 We
oztiislhevmlllumcumpanlas la a iahluraaml
1.2 . Arlarisas arr Magazine: 2017, Issue 1

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