Page 6 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 1
P. 6

Mock line strike events coming to Arkansas
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liars more nienioialile '1-hEl'E's a iequiieineni on what PowerPoint piesenlalion," Maik
noin youi giade school iniurnlariun you liave In present, but said. "What we did was eonie up
experience: sitting ioi nnl new it lias to be presented." widi a mock line sn-ike. rlieies seine
houfs in a clagmnm _ _ clasmnm (11112, but alsn an actual
ayiag to pay attention 0! experiencing E‘-WC": ‘_"*“f;‘ *.'E‘PSl3;l;*";* deinans-aaaan ofpmperpre-excavation
suineaung fixsl-hand on a field trip?  ‘:nd :;‘n“1“;;nc:'wi“5'|‘:§; iecliniques and exoavalion lealiniques
MnrkAllen prEsld2nIuiEnen2ch in End iedeial mgulafigns developed ml “"3 “°"SE"“E"“S °f"S"'g
' ' ’ t l elui‘ 
wiolum, Kansas, fuund oui ilial it's not a new kind ui dainage pieveniion '"""°'°" Em" ‘°" ° “"25
lust kids wlio absurb inioniialion easiei and iesponse liaining Course. Tlieii surveys showed that participants in die
nutside of the elassiooin. piogiain, which will be piesenled at new pmgram liave a inoie thorullgh
' ' . ' - kn led i ii ' 1, li li
"*5 =°mP“"Y =""d**d “"=““°" ind $§o“i‘7m3i'§§§ilfs§".3i‘Z"fs'§ei'.‘§§.?I§Zi“2n nfiivfuanfni aiexfiriieééaing of
““d"5‘.““d‘“3 °f ‘T"P‘““'“ d‘"‘?3° May 3, 2017 ac Hwy 54 and Hwy 5 in haw inipmlani «lie mgulafions aie.
pieyenuan iegulanons and techniques E1 PM AR and the mmd W M
taught dui-ing dassmum-style seininais ' ”In the uld pnigiani, Llieie wasn't one
May 18,2017attl1e Sebastian County . _ . ,. ,
and oanie In the Conclusmn dial Lhe!E . . slide ilial said ii you ye done ll (he
Fn|rgn1unds|nGr2EnwDod.Eothevents _ . _. _ _
liad tn lie a benei way In gel LhE immm mam“! dmmm lam“ way we said on llie first an slides, this
important message acmss In Excavalnrs as mu as 3 M demmmmm m ‘hf’ is wliai it limks like. And if ynu dnn’l
and first iespondeis. fie” of “me mhmqm go lliiougli all uf iliese sleps, you iun
U I I i i die i-isk of liming a gas line, liazaidous
PET!‘ "E “Nd °‘ 5°"‘3 .‘° 3 _ "we fnund that on: eineigency liquid line, walei line Dr elliei urilily/"
"“"°°"‘ S“‘““5 ““d 3‘“‘“3 P'““"‘“d iespondeis and Excavatnrs lenm lvlaik said.
40, so, so slides per lioui and being bém m_Lhe_.ob with sum dmmm
force-fed infurmatinn," Mark said. . m‘ _ . nie Consequencws at a line strike aie
rraiiung,ia eilh.-inuislseeinga . .
seveie, but difficult to imagine ii you
comwuss all mg 1.5
4 . auansaiaii Migizmes 2017, Inn: 1

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