Page 10 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 10


The zvnnl nn. hm pneed when the Excavators snnek the _

p|p£lme, one uilhc workcn rein (0 (hr ground In oimous  ‘~ _ 1- g  .
danger As flrsl responders wnh ligl\t~ flashing and snens 5 _< - . I» K . _ ' p *
blaring mshed to seeme the scene, it was a sober reminder . ’ 4: *5 ;‘ ‘ I
to all In attendance or rust how important n 13 to always : ; , 1 N‘ 3
callbeforcwe dig,tawmttl1c appropriate amnumoiumc, Ir ~ ‘ 7., A ' 4 g,
to m~pc:l the marks and up dig snrery. I t ‘I _ r ;. .~l‘.' 
sponsorshmhisevenunelnded EHP Eillimn Petroleum, ‘_ . I‘ 1 ‘ ‘ » Av c \ ‘ ‘Eli; '
Ci:nlcrI’o|nt Energy, Diamond npehne, Enable Middmam , r ‘ I — 5. , -
Pannch, Fayctmvillc Express I’1p2l|nC,Fayctt2villc v I ' A
Gathering Company, KmdezMo!gan, Nu-tar Pipeline ] '

Operating, Southwestern Energy, Badger Dnylighung, I ‘-u ‘

Dneh wneh, A1rEvac and Enhanced Environmental se _  r -
Emergnncy semees. -r .4 I 1 . ; ’) 

. . 9 E

A speemr Lhanks to Nur|hSIar EMS, whne County _ ‘._d_‘ '
S}IL‘nfl’~Dcpartmcnlandlhi: Anhoeh Fne Dnpanment ' ’  . ‘Q N

my their panltlpatmn. Fim respondch like Lhcsc am the

people In our ecnnnnnnne. who run toward a dangerous I

event rather ihan away.

Thanks my all you do every day! W

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  'mA«nymu‘ Mliit/nllm nmrmtorm er pm
chmmer4n'29 munutznrvg me Cmwu, Avkm»<4L< on can .1. My Cn>cmu><)r1.>u(M T S GAS
1 . T
_ _ ‘t _ ,1  BOARDWALK
{V Fir‘ - Hi”-‘M I»  
 — e 1‘ Committed to operating Pipeline Assets
..» 1  ’ 3 ' > ‘V in a safe, reliable and compliant manner
A -v ' ',' , M‘ and providing the highest level of
-.1 ’ customer service.
,, F ‘ xi
‘ —r.
' ~49  
Ingmar: helm.

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.2 . Artansas an Magazine: 2017, ISSUE?

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