Page 3 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 3

from the desk of
ll hehalt of the Alkallsas one call Buazd ui DHCEIDXS
V 0allcl Bur staff, l want In exptess Bur smeele appleelatllln
A ) fm’ yallt enlltllllleel palmels-hlp la tlle alena of elamage
- preventlon in Alkallsas. And lt tlllly ls a "paltnetslllp." The
sllstalned glllwtll and mtoxd nllmhen of laeate leqllests
thmllghmlt tlle state ls all enemllaglng melleatlll at L‘EOnUl‘n|C
glllwth, new dC\’ClupmEnl and new appaltllnltles tot all
V Alleansalls In ft1:l,Arkan~a~' has SLTH a 12% lnelease m tleket
/, velllnle thls l’-llst qllaltel of 2017 HOWC\'El', the lmenslty of
1 glllwth and cxCa\'t1l|0n aetll~lty also plesellts many ehallenges
 m plllteetlng Vllal mtlasttlletllle and Our collccllvc rllens On
/ damage prcvcntlon.
Natlonally, tlle most elll-lent Damage llltllmlatllm Repaltlng
Tool (bum mhatmatlell leplllts that tlle contractor/dnvcloplsr
glllllp had 66.53% of tlle known damages attllhllted |0 lt, and
so 55% U[dE\l‘l’|t1gCa|nVOlVL‘d haelehees/tlellehels Al’kt1rI~t1~l~ not rat off clam that stat. lll
leealds pxovldud by ARKUPS, the tonlraclur/developer Communlty gmup lmd 59.7% cf the
damages mpoxtcd and 27.212, lnvulvcd llslng hczlvy L‘qu|pn’|cnt near mallelngs "rllelelole,
tlle rllells of ADC damage pl’C\‘Cn|lUn awaleness ls shlrtmg from the "call hetnle yull ellg"
message ta "cxctlvatc !Cspuns|bly.”
l also want ta take thls tlme to anmllmee anllthel ehange tel Alkallsas one C.1ll.Arkan~as
one call ls takmg tlle neeessaly steps ta !C—namC/XE-brand lts-ell to "Alleansas 811.” The
sn Iago and pnhlle awaleness Campalgn wele dC\'ClupL‘d llsmg cc.A's pmvell nallsenslls
pmeess wlth the teens an a eons-lstellt and llmvelsal message that could he lls-eel by all
staleellalelels back m 2007. Alleans-as (along wlth the llatlsln) adopted lts use to help foster
tllat elmslstellt and |Inl\‘Cl'?u1l message smee then, many states have also lehlandeel then
names to mllml and promotl: tlle 311 alllaleness eampalgn whlle thls ls stlll a work ln
plllgless, l am cxuted to annollncc thls l'nU\’C and you all wlll hegm tn .see the tlanstolmatloll
m the cnmlng mallths he-le ln Alkallsas as wt: (h1l’I~ll|Un to Allealls-as tall:
l look lallllald to amlthel qllaltel of elamage prevention pflI{nL‘r~1'1lp~ and llllsh all a \’Cl'y wk
and cvcnt-flu: exeavatllm hllsy season:
Damn Bugxa
Alk/zrlarls one call
2017, !ssue2 Arkansas E11 Msgszlnes . 1

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