Page 6 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 6

he hr.t oi twu M(\Ck Ltne .ee and hear a pretnund cxpcncncc Attendee. could .-ee the enn.-equenee.
stnke. tn he held |n Arkan.a. ernpha.-tztng preper u.e of the et a hne .-tnke tmnn the .atety et then
took plan: H) E] Pam nn tslhntttnaratton .y.tern, .are L‘xcavzmon grand.tand .-eat.. They could (\b~CIvL‘
wedne.-day, the thnd of pmcu:L‘~ and re.-pan.-e z\cuon~ tn lake |n what 11appL‘n~ when a 11Igh—pm~~'|Irc
May Although rt wa. herenung an the event of a p|pL‘hnL‘ ruptum ptpehne t.- damaged and the Impact rt
Arkan.a. fleod durtng lhh hr.t cvcnk, ha. en L‘x:avz\lor~, uuhtv per.nnne1 and
A. the cxcz\\'r1mr dug mm the grnund, . V
the mvnrcd arena kept attendee. and hr.t rc~p(\ndL‘r~
Pmmpamg drv a lend ne..e wa. heard. It wa.
— net annther tornado rnaptng through They aha ~'z\w the advantagm oi
Arkan.a. one can and Enerteeh the .tate, but the loud ru.htng .-eund dtggtng .-ately and the re.-dt. oi
eeordrnated the plpclmc .-arety from a ruptured p|pL‘hnL‘ a. pmdurt dtggtng eareIe..Iy er wttheut t'-tr.t
awarene.-. event that offered exravater. Cxxtnd the damaged hne. Feg and dirt nnttrytng Arkan.-a. one can.
and euntraetur. an upponumty te began t’-tlhng the arena.
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