Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 22

Declslon Maklng
ast year l wrote an artrrle about arrplanes and pipellne~ power ean, under rertarn rareurnstanres, be used to save
I Luke autamobrles, tmck~ and trarns, arrplanes and fuel, rednee norse and save wear and tear on expensrve ret
prpelrnes are essentral to soerety as we know rt rn the engrnes There are extremely detailed charts that address
unrted states. All dennand Ie~peEl Thrs moznlng, l was the proper eandrtrons tor lake arts rn arrlrners. Power
readrng an artrele ahaut avratron deersron makrng wrrtten by a seltrngs, cunlml setnng, taktort werght, wrnd speed, wrnd
retrred arrlrne prlal wrth over 23,000 hours rrr the arr. Hrs name rs drreetron, gusts, runway eondrtron and an and an and an
Ban ' Schlff and he hm authored ovcz 1,800 avmllon artlclcs. (ln
mgyou Rm mmmmd’ ‘ have mm mm mm a3 a PM and A errtreal satety ronsrderatrorr for takeoff rs whether there
nny father had hrs prlot's lreense when l was very young one at “ ““‘’‘‘5“ ‘““‘”’‘‘3’ '°“ “’ “hm “'9 ‘“‘“"’” “ ‘°"“‘g““$
my dad's tavarite sayrngs was, ”Tlunk hetore you do sornethrngl" 3°“; “’""“5 If "°" ““ 1““""” °“"“°' _“‘k“ "fl" W N.
r am r1lmoslpo~'ll|vetl\r1lhe  not lalklng flbU|1lP|pCll|’IE~‘ or 3-38“ Wmfg and V7 lnngglf ‘"=*°}y"*° I“ =q“"*'°">
arrplanes but I am posrtrve that rt was, and rs, excellent advree. lt “E ‘ ‘ fig‘ °‘ ‘“ “” “‘"‘f‘ V‘ "‘“L‘}““ ‘l‘“ ’““‘;’‘‘3’ ‘W
applres to rust about every human aetrvrty and really hrts honre “‘“"’ ‘““““‘“ “‘“‘““> “"5 “ “5” °’ “’°‘
wrth respeet to the avratran deersran rnakrng srhrtt desrrrbed ) “‘“‘”’“V’ b“‘““”*’ “ h‘"““ ‘° “W “" “‘’1’‘““‘ °“ “ “’°‘
Anyway, In the amt]: r  readlng, Sehiff and h.. en-pllot were "*§Wa§ M"“'""';' ";;r;»' '={‘g“‘ '=;‘~'f ‘WEN ‘W 1
rn lrne ta lake off rn a BIG arrlrner. ln the ”uld day~" brg arrlrners ‘° .“““ "°“’°’ “‘ “° ’ “““‘““ ‘“ “’ “"3” “’ ma“
always used full power to take on. Thatwas then Now, redured “Y‘“$ ’'P°“d '‘ 1"" |’°‘‘'f‘“ “S” “,1” °"‘,|,"'°‘ “'““
splrttrng harrs between damp and wet. Hrs eharts
only applred ta "wet" runways. srhrtt srnrply asked the
que~tlon: "Whalwould you say at the llcarlng?" what
heanng7 The Natranal Transportatron satety Board
heanng that wrll oeeur If sornethrng happens and we
A TEXAS GAS damage the arrplane ar somebody gets hurt.
1 'rnAucm|asIoN. Lu: The queslmn wrll be, "Dld you thrnk you could stup
« rust as qurrldy an a damp runway as an a dry runway?”
Where )3 Llle lmc between "damp" and "wet" or between
3 0A R D WA L K ''d“‘“'’'' “"1 ''‘'’’'”7
hhlnk I've made my parnt. Haw sate rs safe’ The short
 _ mart, .r sometlung happens _  nor rare
just beeause sorne thrngs (takeorts tor example) happen
  often does NOT mean Lllcy should be taken for granted.
Ye~ 9‘).9'7n+ of all Iakcuffa are more 0! less nnnnal — lust
llke the averwhelrnrng malunty of exeavatrans when a one
Commmed to opeming Pipeline Asses eall llekel has been called rn, underground utrlrtres have
in a Safe, [enable and mmpliam manner been properly marked, and good exravatran praetrees
and providing the highest level of applred. But li samethrng bad happens, there most llkely
customel service‘ wlll be an lnvedlgatlon and posalbly llllgallon.
Do you want to be the one that has to explaln the
dlfference between "damp" and "wet"?
By the way, I have a perteet rerord as a prlot; Every trnrel
u have taken nfl,llmvelr1nd2d.’l AND lllave V\’flll(L’(l away
AND the airplane was nat damaged. Even though I have
landed thousands of trmes, I assure you that l pay lots at
1% attention to landing aaiely.
ca WWW“ Thmk about what you are dumg even rt you have done rt a
thousand tlmea before BE SAFE OUT THERE’! ‘
Inhu n'Il1'C{l /mm PHMSA and I5 rltrrenfI_I/ Vlcc Pl'esldt'l1I D/l’:p('—
hm‘ S_I/slcm complraare and opemttorts stwrees fur cz Ptzrmcrs,
LLL‘ lzmrlll /allll [t1n7b:(u‘gZ—l5.:arlt
20 . Arlerlsas sn Msgszlnzs 2017, ash:

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