Page 19 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 19

suep 4: Make a plan and wnrk ynux m.1lcnal,as wen a. me numbcr of lines locale request, any :unvv:nauun.s wnh
plan m a smgln neneh or condun package the excavator cnhcr on me or uvnr
You~huuldal~azslablhhnng and “*“'*"*~ ;§jg>§;;’;:f§j;:§3;;{;;;f;§j;flg§"*
a nuern fur Ioeann and foEu~ nn sne 6: Dnnhle eheek and mslnle the ‘ . ’

P 5 P the dug noufitauon Many pxpclmn:
lnczmng one hne at a nme I nnnnauy me 0 mm and Hum’ V 0 mm“ m mm
located sevexal typna of uulmcs on my C ‘ 1 b V Lh M 1 ‘ afi ménmm be énjjlc Whén “
““°h ““"‘—" ’3”“"“ b°“”“ "‘““"5 °“ Ineaicn nx |mpnnant to take another cnucal hne. If your utlmtlnn wanam.
“W "M ~>'~t="-I 5"ms'=fl">' d°P'°¥ . k .’ , ’ . . . k . a . . nuhf V the excavuoz that them ..- a '
"‘“" “g"“l "““°’“'"“ “ml 1°‘“'“ s'I§rucu\:oI(:'c\‘jccac‘:u|cxn:‘d f::‘:l;l1:u~ cul|c)al hne tanned on Lhcxr nah an
°"° 1”“ ‘“ “ “"2 WM“ ‘““‘d ‘”‘d‘ “ b A ' ch h- 1 1 e . and man e a h. h mfllc mncl After
congested dig ule or utility easement, ‘me °" '" ma,‘ “ ‘° 7‘ ° " P“"‘“ ‘ g ‘ 5 P ’

a cut. when yuu m satisfied that nnangemem. am made, dnenmem Ihn
d“"°" ”°‘" "““’"““°’ “Way ‘‘°"‘ ”“ evL‘rv|hm as accounted for 'ou .-hnnhl cunv2m.1l|untn1n:lude Lhc dam and
:::“$:::';“;:: '°““° ”‘° ““° "“° ‘}‘“ make aurftlhal you've elneeei all has, me the mnelmg will take plnee

E ’ ‘ b‘’*‘° °’ “"’““ 3”“ "‘‘‘—‘’ 1““’“ °P“““‘ Following me same annnne nn ennh
Slap 5: race, pinpninl and mark duung the jab and have mlnnvnd all of

your ml. and eqmpmm ph can reduce the chances of error.
Tcmpomry markmg~ placcd on the The task of hne lucaung mvolvns much
,nh-sue are nonverbal commumczmon snep 7: Dnenmenu yuur wnrk and more than simply knowmg how Io
bntwcen the locals! and me exeavnhn communicale any high pmfile iacillies operate an exeenonie hne detector, 5
wnh |h-: color mehennng the type of ‘ ‘ H b V _ Y _
product flowmg through the plpn mwgvfcc '_’,l d> my =“§=§ ‘gm
0: cable Your «empomy mamng. ha“ 'L_I“e‘;’“"“"h m°"“;:::t:O';Q$;:m Bub Nzghswnmger :5 [hr Prtszdmf ml
.hnn1a clcarly Identify this Estimated angfiung md ’Em';Lmng mhlcd m cm cf uhmy Tmmmg Amdemu Bub
honzvmal ‘when and pathway of ‘ ‘ . has M9726 ymrs U/expe1'z('m't]n Hvefitld
‘INN bunrd m 1112 di ar¢fl»0|hL‘r ‘ht Lxmvmmn name‘ Mmylocmng u ur/In Iumnn and dmmz 2 nvenmm
vaxnahle mfoxmauungyou could pmvxdn "“"““'"“‘ ‘"““ ’“""“‘ P‘““"°’ °‘ 1:, y,’ X , ‘K; T, a

- , , ur qncs runs in wmmett 5, a nm e
W-th your lemon markings could 3"” m”'f':‘5" a? M}! if,‘ Wk.” “,",m" mzthcd at huh<«masmeh.enm.
include size nrhne, type nrhne m'p|pI: °“"“°" " "’“ ° “"> ° “"5” ’° “ “’“

Io Lhr: excavauun area .-hnwn nn tlm

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Call befo Y 0
Protect your Fnmliy
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2017, Issue A Arkansas 511M.:g.:1me . 17

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