Page 10 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 10

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ne ot the greatest disroveries great diversity that all stakeholders iinable to aeeomplish alone. Listening
a man makes. one or his bring to the mblez And of eoiirse the intently to what the person is not
greatest siirprises is to Fund answer is yes, it is absolutely possible. saying is lusl as important as listening
he ran do what he was atraid . to what is being said. Rather than get
, lt begins with tnist. you can have . .
he eoiildn tdo. 3 mmmme wmmul mm but W tnistrated at the tone or voire being
_ , ' Y_ iised,rryto understand why they
ltisnotiineommontohearsomeone eanthaveameaninghil relationship film lam mm Lhmmwz flew‘!
eoneliideaeonversation by saying ”Ihat withoiit tnist. Think about the groups, W2 fight’ £1 12 fm ml mfigxwlui ‘
won't work here." And the reason given committees. or boards to whlch yon W H bf‘ 31'; in ‘Ed ‘film We ml
fur this impossible task is that there belong If there is someone inthat Y’ ’ '
is someone or some organization that committee that you iiist can't trust, it we iinderstand this to be true, then
simply reiiises to cooperate. eoiild the problem be you? If you how miieh more important is it that
relationships, and not about appointing P ’ * * . 2 .

. . . . stakeholders to be winners in keeping
committees, and tor the most part The next critical step in maintaining the N" mile a mu lam ‘D ‘W2 and walk
maintaining these relationships are ott relationship is good old tashion honesty ’ ’ P '
times harder than biiilding them. and integrity. lt it needs said. say it, but lzeeently, entoreement legislation
of mm’ we are [aiming In n say it with kindness. How we say what was passed. That was a tremendous

. . . . we say is more important that what milestone. Thats a great start. Next
’°‘““°“"h‘P """"‘“"d“"“‘““"'°“""3 we sa Fulla will soon to et what eomesthea ointinents to the
‘“3‘"‘“ ‘°’ ‘°""“““ 3°““" 0"“ ”“‘ you said but will always rlfmembex zninrcemennjuazd and roles fur the
is not abusive toward any position h ' .

. . . ow yoii made them teel when you board to operate. Then determining
Md‘ 0"‘ ‘l“"‘ "5‘°“"' “’ “IE” Wm‘ said it Find someone who can mediate the s eeitics ot enalties and lan to
"“ P‘"P°5“ “‘ "N" “"d“='“"“““E or taeilitate the issue so as not to tear im lgment edufatlon lraininp and eivil
theperspectivesotallinvolved.A d h t,_ 1 ‘d’ ’b1._hEd Pl. E L“ ‘f If _

. _ . ._ . ownw a sarea yesta is . pena ties. very ngatert epasnage
’°‘““°“‘}“P """°‘° “”"Y“"“ “ “ “'"‘“°’ ot the law talls iinder the rate o
because those involved are eommitted one or the most vital qualities tor a ,. 1 3 "3'

. . ot how ettective do we want our
to each other, not only aroiind the table, strong and meanmghil relationship, m mm (D be ,,
but to those who dldn't even know tor bringing all stakeholders together, P 3 ‘
there was a meeting. even those who may not agree with The best program in the roiintry is not

. . you is the ability to listen with all your aboiit roles. irs aboiitetteetiveness and
C“"‘P“““°“ “'5“"" may “"3 ‘°“"' heart This kind ot relationshi re iiires it could ve well start right here at
togethenbutmmminnenttoamminon . . ’ F. q ’ ‘Y

. . that our listemng goes beyond ]IX§I home. come on Arkansas. If not iis ..
goal will keep them working together _

. . words. we must eonneet emotionally who? It not now... when? w
so as to be siieeesa-hil. so is it possible mm “hm ‘D mom “sh wk“ on are
to aohieve siioh a relationship with the * P Y
a . Arklsnsists 811 Mlsglszlne ma, tsroa a

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