Page 7 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 7

n the damage pmvcnt-on lnd-wry, Heavv cazlhmovlng cqulpment was who sadly dldn’t hve to rerounl lus
we cunatanuy talk about the ernpl'oyea to reshape rln. lnlvshncuon, encounter wan luglrvollage zlcclnclty
inrporlanee of ralhng an belore and rnulnple layers of eonerere needed ,A _ _
Y0“ ahlzr mlatctlns loratlns hncs to be lack-hammered ll.) he removed ‘—"l"‘“' ‘“""“"’ “°”" ““"“

and |hmkmg ahour salely at every , thnaash the nrnar an-Inns rn-nnr

ttee_ But even mundane ‘eh “tee eeh On lhe day of lhe aeerrlenl, lwo workers darnage ho overhead hnes- anrl s-eallered
tum thte heeteeht teem he mthetett were ]r1tk»lmmmenng eonerele ln a oulages, he sard A ullllty worker
eteeethth, when teeththg mend htgh_ ialrly deep hole when tragedy slruele. sporrerl damage lo sorne poles and a
eetthee eteetttettyt They had ho ltdna (hall a l':at]oz hjzard saggrng cnergllzcd tlme and eahed rn d

errs e us a ew lnc res e ow rerr an erner ene r oea e re ues . seron

Prevcnllon sunurnr, an eleelnes rslern rhe darna ed ales.”

ehtmhge etevehhee manage, tot; the "The worleers ]ack-hammemd tluough 3 l’

emteteehts that teem, eete them he a eonerele duel bank nhlo an 8,000-vull The hrsr loearor on lhe s-eene, who had
taken mend eteettteet Mtemt heth prunary eleerrreal hne, he cxplalncd deeades ol experrenee, arrwed lo find
htmee and hem,’ ' "Om: was slgnlficanlly hurned, hlmseli alone on lhe srle A seeond

lhe other esraperl wnh les-s s-enous loealor arrrved rnornenls larer and

"Elnctnral am can produce some of the rnrurres." wareherl lhe fulluwlng seene unfold.
hrghesl lernperalures known lo oreur H ,

eh Ehtthy. he met "They eh“ teeeh he The nxtxzme heal gcncmled ln a }ugh- The hrs-l loealor removed the locating
to 35,000 etegteet (Fehtehhettt Whteh tt voltage are eauses lhe sllxmundlng arr Lqulpmcnt from hrs tzuck, anrl bcgan
thtee_hhet_h_heh thhee the temeeththte to expand so quickly lhal It ran resull rnarleeng lhe fr1nlllll:~ near the rlarhraged
ht the httteee at the the e rn a kmd oiL‘xpl1.mon,espcclallyIn pole, atcoxdlng lo the presenler. If

eonhned areas-. wrrnesses reporrerl he'd looleed up, he mlght have noneed

Danna the Pmanntatione he dcacnbed lhal one of lhl: workcr~' was phys-really lhal Lhe saggrng enuglzed hne was
two real-hle srluauons where lhal hlown out of lhe hole when the are gcmng lower and lower Hrs body
awewme cnergy name In ahmct contact oreurrerl. eonraered lhe hne 7 probably wrlhoul
wrlh worleers resulting ln senous Wm kmW,,.g .. We, Ll.m~

rn,ury 7 and even a rlealh 7 lhar he Work 5‘°PPFd/ lnvcst-gat-ens began

hope’ eeetet he etevehtee tn the htthte and lawyers were ealled rn. The seronrl loralur reporrerl seerng an
by ca-nrn-In-cnt-an and hung acutely ulrunarely, the worleers were unaware “’“ _“f“it1“tff‘“§ “Y” ““°‘"t‘t“' b“tf"‘_“t§,
aware of your sarnvund-nsm rhal Lhcy had been standing over  t;ht:“tu :t‘t°e“"t‘Oft"nd°“‘ "‘ ’
Smnam’ ‘me la" eicdulzmllflwrnmy §12“‘““d hm‘ d Th rllg t gll d 911 b tfl r

oea e , u e mar s were eovere e s-eron ora or ea e , u rs-

The more Conllallrated a lob we the mm by eonslrueuon dlrl and dusl and were responders were unable lo save the
Ihl: llkellhood for hazards rnereases no longer vrs-rble Addrnonally, several rnan

one example he used to rlluslrale lhal Wmpm had no, hm, rm.“ ,agm.,,g

eoneepl rnvolverl exlenswe eonsrruenon mm mm and ,0 Wm ,,,,;em,1,e, Bette! ca-nnnanltntlan and tlglltcneal
lhal took plaee rn a eornplex firlanu wlLh lherr mcamng and nnporlanee [Us °"“““°"“‘ “‘”“'°"‘*‘ ‘““l’ h“‘’‘
intvwrttmn In a -nalarmcttnlaolitan Impcmllve tlmliorcmcn and wurkcn l"“"““‘°d ‘1‘‘’ ‘‘“g‘“‘—‘’’ H“"‘‘‘‘' "“°“"‘
area Lhat rneludeel bus lanes ln lhe unelersland Lhe nrarlos and keep an eye “‘‘”’"Y° 1“ “°‘°d “ ‘°‘"‘° "°“°" NC“
-n-zahanr -nult-plc tmffir contml s-gnalar oul fut lhese errueal salery warnrngs  ";$ft":t5 “'_‘°““;'h"““"' "“t‘f"‘
algns lac-ng -n all d-rcctlona and on «he lab sne. If you don't see nrarlos °" " “ “S” °“ h“ '“"‘“‘ “ h
walkway nosangs. where you are, Lhal may rnean  fijjtftfigghthfigtttftj ';t‘t't=~h'"f
"This lab rnvolved pulllng up anel ‘“"‘ b“'°“’ l’°“' lhem and completing lhe lob sasielv g
resuriaerng alnnos-l l:vl:ry surlaee of Lhe semario 2 '
Inmr.~£ctlon,” lhe presenler sard ”Tlmm 9' l‘ "'6 l°°at°' "Wk " “ab”

Wee every type e, ttedetemehet htethtt, Damagctprcvcntlon lyprrally loeus-es of rherlong and rerherlong hrs
eneeteethe the fleet Mott teete vet), on what s happenrng henearh our fed surroundrngs 7 parueularly dunng
eteh heme teete vet), deep the ethete A grear deal ol our arrennon rs loeuserl a s-rornr 7 he mlghl have noured lhe
were rhreelly under lhe sidewalks.” flohlatrtlaut 2| Iattxalwxga a 300: Pracl-tn »*“gEl“E hne

o oo u or am sas we .
On a seene as ronrpheared and as P Warlung safely around nlnctnnty
hmg_tem_ it they the teeete teeeett Locallng marks are usually seen rneans keeping your eyes and ears
heme Weth heetm heat ehehgh to keep at ground level 7 on slreers and out lor hazarrls at all unres The hes-r
evetyheeh, Sate srdewallos, on lawns and rlghh-of-way. praeuee rs ro Imal all eleelne power
we lannharrze ourselves wrlh rhose Lqulpmcnt as .r ll rs enurglzud,

"Multiple loeales were bung ealled In, rnarles bniorc and duung eaoh lab, bur parueularly elowned or saggmg power
an at-ht-e~ had luratnr» v-s-tlng thn area hazards, espeerallv around eleelrrerly, hnes.

at leasl every weele ro relresh marks can mm at you ;,'o,,. my angla

at temeth thee the tee httthee was I II Iakl:~ only seeonds lor rhe rnundane
temeveehe he We The presenler s- s-eeond srenano rs- Io rurn rnorlud. .

a srory aboul a seasoned loealor
2015 Issue: Arkansas s11M.:g.:1lne . 5

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