Page 13 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 13

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Have yett eyet seen what a watet matn have a lttg yatell You would neeel tu eeeut .as tn thts atttele, the water
can elu te a mt1dbcd7 If yen have, then ltutlel a peel ahuut 257 ttet long (almost epetatttt was nttttheol by 811, h()WL‘VL‘Yt
yuu knew, lterete the watet ptess-ttte as long as- a rttethall held). 50 feet nattenal stuoltes tell us- that when y()lI
eettlol be teolueeel wtth \'t11vc~‘, a tew wtele anel 10 ttet eleep. Pttblte watet ate glvcn the oppettuntty ta loeate
hunelteel teet ui thts matn street was suppltets ate als-e provldlng watet yout wt1lcrlll‘lc~‘,dzlmt1gcs oeettt less-
'()nL‘. The etty's- s-tota etankswete tea mxlnlzltI:1'3UUnllIllol‘l ee le than one eteenttlmttltltettme.
h . tz PP 3 P P P
tn ttopately et 1()~lng yttal pres-sute te at s-tngle—ramtly and mullkfamlly , _
avold a boll tttdet, semees tn that part dwclllng~ “C ““‘‘C‘’‘“““‘ "‘“‘ ‘1‘C'C “ "‘”“ “‘
, _ _ prolccllng undcrgmlllld uttltty ltnes
of the etty wete last, hath bttstness —
watet ltnes ate eyetywltete, ttghts-— than tust tzllllng. But c><cavzlmr~ neeel

and testolenttal, anel tt was neeess-aty f Y Y_ _ V — d d d K k kh I In 8"“ ‘W
m dm_"m_md mm“ flmfluntllkhc l.»r\'ta)~ar(()\cICl'D\'t e an ema e a ea tt e an Ly

, heeatts-e of the tneteas-eel awateness oltg, and tr yuu have |Il\dL‘rground
teaol eenlol he telttttlt. Thete wete ethet

et the lmpuxtancc (ll prolccllng all uttltty ltnes, yuu nteel te he nuttt'-teel
negattye eunseqttenees as well, but we d d f H K b [h 1 [h I —_ bfl N K K‘
gmhc P‘mm__ un CIgm|Il1 t1E||lL*-, e munlupa a sunteenetsa u eexeayat
and tutal watet s-ys-tems ate bccunung neat yout underground ltnes- A watet
The matotttytt1Antettea's pepulatton memhets of am systems bL‘:zlu~c et the epetatttt whtt beeame a ntembet ot' an
gets thett watet eleltyeteel from a pcr(L‘l\'Cd value orbetng notlficd (ll telel me, "Altet blstomlng a mcmbur
pttlaltesttpply system. Thts- makes Impcndlng cxcavatlon tathet than by et 811, l was ~'IIrprl~cd by tust how
sense, as Amettea's populatten new Icghlt1l|\'c enleteement. many ttekets- wete bclng called tn
lat vely ltyes- tn tttban eentets. And tut ,, that l wenlel hzlvc neyet known about
— _ , , As one tutal watet CED s-tateel, lt , ,,
these et tts wlttt have ehesen te lne tn betete.
shnulel be olaytous to all ettt mentbets
mm‘ “‘C“"' "‘C“' ’““C1‘bC“C‘bCC““"' lt ‘now’ (In! the best |rh|Ir1n(L‘ oltey I’ ‘b t -k d "Wk 1' th- -tt h
of the nattttn’s Y|Ih11\’\’E|(L‘Y systents-. > ‘ ’ ‘ P — "C CC" “7, C ' " ” C ‘°‘ ° C
thett watet system ean have ts- te knew a |'nL‘|'nbL‘r7 The platn truth ts that tt
D0mL‘~tl( dCllvL‘rlL‘~b' ultlte watet when s-omeunets dl tn neat thett oloesn't m~'L tt a ts- one unneeess-a v
3 P 52; t: P 3 r3
suppltets new tetal mute than 24,h0n ltnes. At least bung a ntembet of an dzlmzlgc et ene betl etelet ettulel eastly
mtllten gallttns pet day (MED). Te gtyes the opetatet a eltanee te pmteet ettst mete than the memhetshtp
tlhtk -"(mil t h~"I-”
ft:..a.2.ngiolriittait‘a3.§TZ§§f$aet " Wm C""'“““‘*k“"*“*"11‘°“"d°"‘“'“¥
_ lt ts ttue that ]u~k bclng a memhet tt makes sense te heeente a ntentbet
askeel yen mbulld apeol that would d _ ,1 I K d _ Y ,t K d 6
helol a mtllten gallons, they had ltettet “Cm 5““““‘ CC “ “"‘“3C ““" C‘ "Y
2015 lssuel masts an Magma . 11

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