Page 3 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 3

fmm the desk of  
he Hahday seasan is upon us! I hope 1013 was a great year -
I iar all and here's to making 2019 even better. wrth ever 1000 J
Utilities doing business here in this great state, Arkansas " ‘

311 works eeaperatiyeiy, fostering a shared responsibility ta 1
enhance the safety nf the public and pratectian uf an underground

fatilifies. we cherish this partnership and look fnrwarrl In the

new year.

Although we didn't see the significant increases in tieket vnlumes 3' '
like we have the past few years, the can renter has been busy and

they have done an exreuent job! Our CSIG and rnanagernent team ' '

are wurld dass.

. ' - V ‘ '

Anether notable suruess stary is the fact thatAr1ransas was anre again deerned

"adequate" by I-"HMSA in its evaluation of the sme ercavarian damage prevenrion

iaw entorrernent pmgrams. Thanks tn the hard wurk by the Arkansas Public Service
cenirnmions ottire of I-ipeune satety, the State's Atturney cenerars attire and ARBII

staff, we are mnhnuing In get better in this regard. However, DIXI’ focus here at the 311

1eve1 will mnfinue In be more "prevention" rninded than "eniarrernent" minded.

I want to class by reminding everyane again to please keep in mind our Darnage

Preyentien surnrnit coming up May 15 — 17, 1019 in Lime Rock at the Embassy Suites.

This will be Dur seeand of this nanire in as rnany years and we plan an making it a great

rirne for an. spread the ward and dmp the dates in yeur raiendarsz

Darren Baggs
Arkansas K11
ears Issued Amanlus B1lMugu1me . 1

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