Page 13 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 13

lpnhnL‘~ nm the energy lnclInI:~ of mnny of our dn.Iy zIcuvmL‘~, from dnvmg
our chddrcn to .-:ImoI and hcaung our 11umc.~, to buymg gmcmn. at {ht
mm delivered by truck» that run on dusml.
The U.S.11a~' the Inrgm network of cncrgy pxpchnca (If.1nynzIm)nIn
P I P E I I N E the world. There am man: than 200,000 man. as all plpchncs nnd 3nu,IIuo mac.-
of natural gm plpclxnm all mm the country. mm mm am tucked undcx our
~trcL‘l~, lhmllgh nL‘IghbuI1mods' and c()mmunmc~‘, and lmvclxng below rnmunnd,
Ion-.1. and dmm. SIncc Amcn:zIn~' cI.»n~umc more than my mxllmn gallom of
petroleum pmdnm pct dny, pIpclmc~ arc nn c~'scnuzII tomponcm nr our nzItmn'.s
Infm~lrucluIL‘. Wnhmll lhcm our roads and hIghwzIy~ would be mmun wnh
lrutki trymg to must this dcm.1nd.AcmrdInglo NzmoIm1Tmn~porlzIkIun Safcky
Board -zau~u:.~, pIpL‘lInc~' am the ~'afL‘~t, mmt rclmblc manner for kIan~'p<Irung crude
cul nnd 01110! llqmd petroleum pmdnm. PIpL‘lInc ownm and opumnx. am Cvur
mmdful ar the misty nr (1105: nmund them and lhcy slnctly mllow pmvlsn safety
3 pmncdum.
Many ,,,,,c1,,,c m,,,,,a,,m, mgulmly an Indication of mm prcsclirc,
‘ Wpm ‘hm ,,gm,.,Of,Wfly “mg m appmxlmatc Iocauun, matcnal carncd
‘ _‘ km 0, mhkk pawl,‘ T1,“ WW4 and tlm name and Contact Immnmlxun
In~pL‘:loh look for potcnual danger to of thc rt-»mI>arI.v that <>I>vmtt'~ thc
I‘ I pIpL‘lInL‘~ inch a~' conatxucuon acuvxty PIPCIIM» Mmkm may be anywlwrc
I ‘ or 0; gm urlxqmd luak~ Thu.-2 alum: thv “I§1“"""’I'fl)’ (I ~'trIP of land
,,,,Pm,(,m along mu, Fwy,“ mule, usually about 25 to 15I\fcuIwIdc that
are to mum (ha sccunty and Intzguty cI=IItaIII~ I PIPdIrII‘> <Ir dmrtly ovrr
Q‘ [hm hm‘ |hn p|pL‘lInL‘ |hCU Thur markun am
generally yclluw, black and rcd In mm.
. - P|Pl‘1“‘L‘ mIIII>arIIc~' kccv In t<IIIc1I The pxpclmc may not follow n ~tmIghl

I on a regular b->~'I~' WIIII I‘mt‘rscrI<.v c()ur~'L‘ between mnxkm. Whxlc nmrkun
- I-»tfI<I:I1a and work wIt1I local vmvrgcncy are helpful In lucaung pxpcllncw‘, thuv

I mpondcra akmz I>IPI‘1IrIv nzht» do not pmvxdc Iniurmauon ~uc11 .1. '

~ - I-WWI)’ III cm at an cmcrsvnqn how many are below or the

: ~<>mt'tIm=> even tmInIrIg wIt1I hm depth of lhc hncs. Tlm primary mnmnn
. dcpartmcnh or hazaxdom malcnah 0; .I.M mmkm ,, .0 ,dc,,,,;,, um

I unIt~' Evm thv-»IIr4h II lwk or ~PII| Is Iocallnn ui lhu p|pL‘lmc gcncmllv m an
I vxtIt‘IIIt‘1.v uII1I|<=|>v I>IPI‘1IIII‘ mmI>aIIIt'~' mm to [how WI10 might be wm'Inng

. pmvldc Infuxnizmun ukc that wlucll a1,,,.g,1.E p,Pd.,m mmd.,, (O; “‘“nt1‘CY
: you WI" -‘Ind <IIIt1IcfvI10wIIIIz P33“ nnmy or dunng the cons'lru:lIun nr

- that WI" PTCP-‘TC you In tlm vvmt that homca or Imnnc.-.n. nearby. You xhould
: I: dun occur T1'1L‘|!l\OpI;‘h m tonlmuc be Mm. 0, any Fwy,“ ,,mm, m

. tv-I bv a tIuI=t ImIzhb<Ir and Pm\‘Ide your nL‘IghbuIl\uI.»d. As |hL‘ mvlng

. ynu wnh khh Important Inxonnanon gm, -IKMW you, ,m.5}.bu,,p WM

2 to help It you ~II»pnct II PY°b‘““ III down Lhu name and phonc numbL‘r~'

. your arm). P|pL‘lInc mmpnnm lake Lhc APPLWHE 0,, me P,PD,,,m mm”, m

: me npL‘ram)n u[ then Infrastructure (N D; cmL.,,

. mmu.Iy, which Includes pmlecung

: you, [amdyy you, pmpmy and am I; m.1rk}:‘r~ am Imp()naI‘It for

, L‘nvIronmL‘nl. Ixccamn of Hus dihgence, I E ~It<'t>' of t c Izvnvr-I1I>IIb1Ir It I~ II

, ,mdml, am my mm [cdcral cnmu for any pmnn to wxlliully
- dcmtc, damagn, mmuvc or dcslmy nny
: For your safety I>Ip=lIII£~ am III-Irkrd plpnlmu ngm DI’ nghl—I.»f-way marker.
_ by above gmund ugns Io prowdu

: comwugo 0N mg 12

; 2019 Issue 1 ,.,I.."m an Magazrne . 11

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