Page 3 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 3

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Publisher s Perspective 1
he B11 Magazme In Arkansas provldes stakeholders
wltll a unique uppozlumty to share your perspeetlve
on a statewlde and/or a regional smge. we not

only welcome your ideas and arnales, but we encourage

you to share them wlth us and other damage preventlon l

protesslonals interested m keeping Arkansas a saier place to

live and work. You can do that Illmugll tlus publlcatlon.

we've worked In many states across the Country over the past 12 years and wt:’v2 learned
that lt ls not necessary In relnvent the wheel when it comes to creatmg sater workmg
envlronmems. other states have aehreved Effecllvn zniormmcnl programs for all utllures.
They did lllI~, not berause ll was easy but rather because lt was neeessary. Leammg to
respect yellow pmnt or red pamt becomes easrer when we learn to respect all pamt.

we beheve that workrng together is made posslble by a desue to understand the other
pI:rson's perspeehve and blzmg wlllmg Io dlscuss dlnerenees lloncslly and wuh mutual
respect for those dmcrenees wlule we all have a common goal of working sately there
are speclfic l~sIIes that must be considered before we can aruvz at common solulluns. The
mumcrpahues wlll have dmerent perspecuves than the excavators workmg In therr eltles
The rontract localoxs wlll have perspectlves that do not ahgn W|tl\ the uahty's standard
opezatlng proeedures

However, the dlversrty of needs and |de2I~' should make a stronger partnerslup rather than
create an atmosphere of dlvlslon we must be W|lllng to work together to arlueve the
hlgher and common goal of damage prevention.

we are eommrtted Io keeplng all stakeholders lntormed about Illc rmpendmg direetlves on
the natlonal, reglonal and local levels.

The roneepl of Illh magazme |S to do ]I.ISlIl'1a( |n a way that also allows you to speak

your own mmd as to what you llunk works and wlml doesn't. our start has an 2><Icn~'lvL‘
background in lsadcralup sk.lll~, lncatlng dolls and wlml it takes to be successful as on: of
Ill: cnunlr_v’~ largest excavators. They come trom all walks of me and wlule the artlcles are
wzlllen wrth you |n mmd, u may be that wc've mrssed the mark we trust that you W|ll
Iill(£ Lhe llme to let lh know how to makt: lt more helpful and informative.

If you want to beeome pan of the 811 Magazlne family, call me at 501-259-1000, or go

to wwwlzrklznalzs.B11:mzg{lxzim'5.ruvll and chek on subsenptlons. All magazlnes are mailed
quarterly at no rosl to U 5. addresses only. Let's get stronger logetherl

Remember, (all an betore you drg and then dig saielyl

Roger cor
ACTS Nuwr 'H(.
2019 Issue? Ari<.:nsl:s511M.:g.:1lne .1

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