Page 6 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 6

labeled success by attendees. 
~_, ‘ ' ' I / he 2019 Arkansas Damage
— -I Pmvcnnon Summit attend:-cs
‘ ‘ ‘ lull us the ~L‘~~'|uns exceeded
' men expectations and we
appreciate then fm-dback. What wc’vL‘
learned over the years ..- that change
came. about as‘ the man of cxclIang|ng
Ideas and bcmg cxpomd m (hffcrcnt
pL‘hpccl|vc~'. You: [ru~txam.»n~ m the
_ - held often become the hottest lOplC~
at any damage prcvcnuon evem. So,
 - m that regard, your feedback [mm last
« , r /V year's event became the mmulus [or
,, ' — 7\ .~e.-eon. tlu~ yea: The .e...aas wum
, I clxuscn mm you m mmd
~ 7 Thanlo to all of yml who attended lhh
- — your and to (host: who wum wmmg
to lcad tlm .~m~mn~ Our outdoor
‘ dc-mm were also wcll rccclvud. A
, special lhanlo to Cox Uumy semee.
* > for making the Sl1()\‘clMan 811 Balloon
‘\ available to u. agam lhh ycax.
. 3 V ' , The Arkansas Damage Pmvunuun
- » Summn (cam wxslms to Iakc .1 moment
_' 4,-:7 .. ' . 0 3 f - l ‘ ,9 _ 4 to thank our ~pm1~or~ and cxlubm.»r~
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