Page 13 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 13

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Lessons learned on and or crcaung mud slldm for cxty .-um. wxth mm buckets. A~
[lk km hd h-.~ ,.  . hh

*°'“““’1‘"‘°‘“““°‘3’ "““>”°‘”“"“" ’ ’ ‘ «dc of (1: .-mm wnhmn Eullm the

M‘ ”'° PM 25 Y°"“ "W had ‘ht ‘ gum om; than M. ~omcaucgcc~'~
°PP°mm"¥ I0 W" “ numb” 0‘ “DD ... avoiding «met cul~, the undustry
°°"‘P“"‘“" ‘“°"' °‘ ‘”’}“‘}‘ WC“ “°‘ ' dcvclo Cd mm v m .dI uh (hr: demand
mallyHDD Companlcsat.1ll.]u~t MHD,§,.mm". YEW ’

conlractun trying to make a llvmg and 5

m do a good yob. Whnlc hangmg around , _ In fact, the Honzontal Duccuonal

|1'1L‘~L‘ grc.1lfolk~',IIc.1mcd .1 hlllc“ ‘ Dnllmg (HDD? Industry has

all whdc making gmal [nand~ m tlm _ _ _ cxpcncntcd W much growth m

Industry. - ’ ‘ V‘ {ht paal few dccadca Lhal HDD hm

. , become commonplace d. a method

5°‘““ °‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘"g‘“°"‘'“°“”‘‘’"‘ ' 0f|n~'tall2Il|un Thu mwlh ha.-bcnn
thc~cp|unL\'n was lhn industry w.1~ , , , ,. , dr|‘/énb,lhcbC“cfi%q0fic‘Cd‘D

d="=‘°P““ °“'°‘“"““‘/ “"“““°‘"“" ' ‘ nnm mivnmt.-ud. A.-me elimination

mu .-um! and environmental .mp.m V of lmymc dhm mm mm mmml

ofopcn {much cnnslrutuun wlulc “mm (mm '2) W b , {hm mu“,
‘""‘““"‘g ”'“‘“‘ ““‘“Y ""“°- TM“ Back |n Lhc carlmsl am backhons oz ;.vfn:»nlra£tur~g1nduvclzpxng mg.» )

hadto bnabcttcrwaylhanlcanng up kh . ’ h" ’ d’ ‘h 1 .

flower bcda, blocking tmffi: for munlha “ac “ca Wcm Pu. mg Fupc un H {Li "0 ug)’

2017, !ssue2  511M.:g.:1mes . 11

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