Page 14 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 14

I ’ 9
‘r’%eV‘r5§Fr"c“y‘c“e‘a"r’e"r“ ! I I
Jackson MS -1
" 'vn: been In husrness for over shoele when he dnves a pos« rn«o «he for maxklng «hen own hnes 7 often by
40 years and never hit any ground so he ean pul up a fence! He's using a locate service (Tl-Cy are the
underground lrnes. why should 1 "out In «he roun«ry" 7 nowhere near a one» with the mag-c wand’ — zmur-<1
eall 3117" road nghl-of-way! ”Well, yes 71 Ihlnk r« penelraung radar anrong o«her «lungs )
- - . ~ 211'. b. lll l -

WE“, M, M am thing’ you M drd used «o he a pasnrre. so what? mailfhsa:  «o
brealong «he law |i you don't. la the The Plpelmz and Hazardous Ma«er«als (hggmg Pm and Mung you a [mm
pas«s1n years, while you were busy sarery Adnunrs«ra«ron (PHMSA) mm _ Wruch pmm V0,, mmplmd
NOT drggrng rn«o underground utility rs a una«ed s«a«es Depar«rnen« of M1‘ the law NW W’, m cm“ and
lrnes way ou« «here In the country, a Transpor«a««on ageney erealed ln mm 7 my kgfll‘ As ‘mg fig you don,‘
few «hrngs were gorng on: Lrnes were 2004, responsrhle fur developlng and (“E “Mn” 18 mum of the wmde of
being ex«ended further and «ur«her enrorerng regula«lons for «he sare, mnhm hm yum? gold’

ou« lnlo «he country; never nund some relrable, and env«ronrnen«ally sound

lrnes- were already ou« «here befom you operanon of «he us’ 2.5 mllllon nule "rrn rnsured", you say? No, no« for
ever s-«ar«ed berng an exrava«or. No, no« papelrne «ransponanon. l« oversees «he «hrs, you aren'«, no« rs you don't have a
eable or phone lines 7 na«ural gas and natlon's prpelrne rnrras-«rue«ure, wlueh llcket. Suzpn~2d7?

ml prpellnes were «here. They added accounts for 64 pereen« of «he energy

. lnsuranee eornpanres have begun
«he cabin, phone, waler and sewer lrnes eonunodrhes consumcd |n «he unned dm m dmm M ‘aim in mm who
la«er. s«a«es. Made up of «he orhee of Prpelrne 3 g ‘ 1 ’ ’ 1’
may and the mm oiH1mdw~ don [call herore «rey dlg 7 and rave

when the prpehnes were lard, «he Mama!‘ 51 M V ‘ the tlcket «o prove r«. They may have
design was «o go «hrough that ’ ‘ " Paid las« year, bu« no« anymore. Why?
eoun«rysrde ln «he rnos-« drree« way «o PHMSA rs Federal and rs enfnrclng You have vrola«ed «he law If you lu« a
ge« «heir ron1en«s where r« needed «o underground saicty If your s1a«e line 7 le«'s say you eu« a $25,000 fiber
go No one eheeked wr«h «he ernes as «o doesn'« have penal«res- w««hrn «heir opt-C P1-Om hm WOW.’ But wane, no
where «hey rn«gh« be expanding over laws, PHMSA ean and wrll levy one ean eall 911, the are depanrnen«,
«he nexl sln years 7 «hese were orl and penal«res 7 whrrh are qu««e s«eep. 1-asp-Ialor ductan — it's a really bad

gas operalors. They lard «ha« prpe In lnsuranre never, ever pays fines and Lhrng, leadrng «o all sons of polennal
«he qurrhes«, mos-« dlree« way possrble penal«res- 211 has go««en legrs-lanon lawsur«s someone has lo pay for «hrs

7 and «hey spared no expense ge««lng ll «hrough «ha« rnrllga«es some of rhese damage 7 bu« warm 7 you have a lora«e
done, er«her. penalnes for vrolanons, bacauon llckct. Fur wluch you ean thank 311

PHMSA rs no« of a nund «o forgive a wr«hou« r«, you are on «he hook for ALL
Th” “‘ ‘}“““51‘ ‘°““"Y““‘ “ “'°°d" hrs-«-«rnre offense. of r«. And there rs no eoverage anymore
«hey eu« «hrough areas where roads
7 , «or wha« happened

would sorneday pass; «hey ran near Ioe, r« alnros-1 doesn « rna««er who you

srnall «owns wlueh would la«er beeorne are and wha« you are dorng. These so, Joe 71 know you're a busy rnan,

blg «owns and e««res Forty years rs a days, even a horneowner dnving a and you can" wait 48 1wur~ to act a lob
long «une 7 «lrne for «he ground «o move pos« Io pu« up a fence, or a surveyor movrng and all «ha« 7 bu« l Lhmk you
and "walk” 7 rnos«ly «or «hose prpehnes s.e««rng s-«alees 7 li you poke a hole «n «he am a man man, too. I dunk you can

«o s-hm, no« «o be where «hey were pu« ground, «he law says you HAVE «o eall -we -1 x~'n'I wank mkmg cvvrythms you
long years ago. Those old paper rnaps 311 Every «une have You didn't rnake ll In 48 hours 7
luol amn’l all «ha« aeeura«e anymore. “UK” H but you sure ean lose «« over a .13 hour

,you say Sol:all811,w}«aI , LY » ‘ at
It's a lo« easrer «o h«« a prpelrne «oday are «hey gonna do? How do «hey find  y:_:"b'::
«han r« was back ln «he da r Those whars under where I'm onna di lf '
3 5 5 «rorn needrng «o

expandrng lown~ have pu« plpelincs «hose rnaps- aren'« aeeura«e7 They have

srnaele wlthin «herr clty llrnr«s- And some load of 'nragrr wr1nd’?” You'll soon be «ellrng your eus«orner
over the years, «here have been qur«e he can’l have «« «ornorrow. You have «o
a few unknown ronlrae«ors- who have MW" 3”“ ‘:1: 3“ “"“‘}‘‘°‘' :*‘°‘“ ‘f’1‘(‘“§ eall 811 By «he way, loe, be sure to «ell
"nlckcd" a lrne fmrn «rrne «o lune. Now Y3: vlmfll ‘oh 1:; "mg rpo clan} In your «nends «ha« times have ehanged
and «hen, a horneowner ge«s a real ‘’ ° :81“ ‘ _“g§°;"‘ H’ K”? ‘f‘ 9 ‘° 7 «hey'd he««er eall 311. Therr «nsuranee

wa«« ours w u e a « e lnL~ ge« an,‘ MP mm mm .
12 . WM an Magszm gm [W2 rnarhed. Eaeh ullllty rs responsrble

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