Page 15 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 15

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What to do if a Pipeline is OneofthugrcmwtMnglcchallcngcxm>ufcp1pclInc
npcm[mn.~1~[hc accxdcnml daxnagc muaud by cxcax Mum,
Damaged or pm“ med  fmmxng    
mn~Lru:tInn and m.nntcImncL* Before mu dig 01 cxm\'a(c,
Evan n mu mu.~L* what appcnrx to be only mumr dmnugc mm mu Dm,Cfl,, Cm,L,, bVV~““P1‘r{d‘fl|]]7g M1 mm
to the pipeline, nnmcdmtL*l\' nom}, the plpchnc cmnpnny m’|\’\\’hCYC m the Umacd em:-~ Plum? can before mu
A gouge, ~cr-wry dent or new to the we or mums nmy «gr. mm pmycct, whctlwr, bu;‘rL-m».
caII~cufuhIrc1IIpturL* 0. leak ltxxcrmialthatucutm mpcmmung“m]“m_M_mm Wm ,,Wm,
L“ “‘“" ‘”“" “'“° W‘ '“P°"°“ “ " "“P°'<“"*‘ “W W (mnpunIc~ and mhcr uulmg-~ mu mark the location of
pmchnc ow-wr m>pvct~ and rvpn-r~ <1-w d-“mac to the «hm hm Mnu mxt to vnu Plpullnc and uulnv mnrkcn
hncurrcL1(cd.}pparah|~ [Vinny xmu-,~ ha\cl.}w\rL*qu1rmg may nm~]7m.\'tlwc mc{1ogmu.\.;r:Iu- bL\11ud]1ncx ‘A/hen
dnnmgL*.~mbc lcportcd todml.:c1htynw|\cr mud, or the m;mm"g mu Wchm mm cmnpmm “ M “Wm
Drwinll center Ev dmhng 911 Do not attempt to make um thuv hm .1 PlpL‘1IhL‘L‘0l‘r\P:1I\\’ rcprL*.~cnmK1\'L*()n>1[c to
W '°P“"‘ ‘“ W ‘W “"“*°“ “ “ "M " '"P"'“‘d ‘" 1n~pL'ct:1I\d protect the unacr,;m(..m pxpclmu Fmluru to
‘°<‘k"‘s% CW1‘ (‘Wm "M P'P°1"‘° <“mPfl">’ M ‘I“'<“\' mi: em bum cxim nLmn1~K|\clcndmg caI|~c m daxnngm
a~pn~>xHc Pmvhrwmmkvr~1xn~>|mwthcvlpclmv mbuncd p1pclInL‘.~ oncmpu-ml: cmnhclp kcL'pvm\mIt
c0n1pa1w’\m11nL',unmrgcncvtulcphuI\cI\umbur and K_,]mm,\ ‘W COWMD UV PM U ‘
P'pd‘"“""‘°W ‘ zoxsww w.».msazm~»m-1:

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