Page 17 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 17

High Consequence Areas in accordance with icdcml ae,mlamm.-,

aemae alea~ near pmelme. have been almghaleal .1~' Hugh cemequehee /\l"C;1\ Fm

thew: areaa, ~uppIcmcnk.1l hazaml :\~~c~'~mcnt amal pmvcntmn pmgr.1m~ kmmm

a~ integrityMz\n.1gcmcnkFrogram~ haw: been dnvclupcd. if a pmelme operator

ha~ High C0|1~'L‘qucncc Arcm, IIIf()rlm1m.m about them plalw may be zlvallablc

khrmlgh lheh comp:\ny'> \vcb~Ilc or hy inntatllng lhe ()pcmt()r'~' corporate


Thu: e a wide range()[pmdu:(~travelinglhmugl1ll1cthmI~z\nd~ of mIlc~ of ‘ . 7 '
plpcllncs, everything from gas for your ml ta ox), gen my hmpllala. Mam hr - r-‘
lhe.e pmdIIct~' can be highly flammable, hamahal av mhzlicd, mum eye m akm > I A j
Irxllzllmn ur puwbly mum difficulty breathing Smncoi the lnatcrlais muld ‘ " ,

causc cnvlmnmcnlal damage BL‘:z\u~c oftlmsc pntcntlal ha1z:lrd~, it .~ Important I g _'

rm our neighbors to be ablc tomnlglilzc a plpelme leak ,,, _ -a H A-' , I .

vi ». - ’ :.t

can Owners Build or Dig on a Right-Of-Way’! Flpcllnc ;

rIghl~—0f—wa1y must be kept hee lmm maelme~ amal otlmr obstructions m .-

pmvldc e1:tL‘~'s to the plpelme rm mamlenance, a~ well as m lhe event of an  _ , r '
Cmcrgclicy ll a pipeline cm~~L‘~ ymaa pmpeny, plum: dn not plant (mm or . __  ‘ -' '- 
Iargc shrub eh lhe rlght—of—wa1y me not dlg, build, alme m plate anything » y * - .
onnrnczuthel1g|1t~—nH.v.1y\vItl1()ulfIr~lImvlngthcplpcllnccolnpzlnys . ‘ - ‘ ’
pemmhel mark (11: pmelme or elake lhe IIghk>—1.»f—\\'a1y amal explain lhe ., ‘
c0mp:\ny'>:nn~lrIIctl0nz\nd ca~cmcntrcquIrcmcnt~ myma ‘ , ‘Max 1 _
We Need Your Help rhe ImtI()n'~‘ Infm~tru:lurc~, mcludlng pIpL‘iInc~, .‘ ;_:
arc.1mamsrn[natlnnal~ccurIt),. ifyouwlmc~~~I|~plcmus atklvlkynna plpelme ‘. ‘ , " v ,
nghK—n[—way, plca1~L‘n:porlllt() {I16I|Pp|’()PYiu}(Cill\I|](\YiKiC~a\5(\0I] :l>p()~‘~lbic, ' ,. .- .‘ . .
ur yea may call the pmelme npcra1mr’~‘ numbers Threat aelmaehe. may be - 2 '1

found at the Dcpartmcnt of Hnmclzlnd Sccurlt),'~ wehaale mmmllha grl1'/lfi1~pl4biic . ' g.’ ,4‘ ~

‘-4’ ‘ ‘ l..’

National Pipeline Mapping System For Iliflxrmatlon almm plpcilnm ,1‘ . v
epemlmg m Voul area, _\/ml may mntacl lhe l\'axmlml rmelme Mapping §_vstcm ‘ , _

(NPMS) Tim data1b.x~'cufplpclInc 0pcr:m.vr~ amal lhe loczmnn of their ilnc~ ;-3 ,. x

we» dcalgncd for the public In have zltccm to Contact lnlnrmalmli [nr plpchllc 1. " , , ,
cmnpzinlcsnpcmllnglnynkirzim Thlslnlormzmnn canbcfrmnd e1lZlliUi('rI}mIH 4-. -‘V. V ..
prmlmllel glrv Vlslk www}l7)tn.</1 dllf X(7I'lnZHml‘rp}m1~fl/tlffirlw/U['firL'—pIpl'I1Hl‘r<(lfl'TV [nr . - ~'_.~ I ‘ I '-
mun: lnflmnakmn For llifnrmatmli on ~ale exeayauma, gm nnllnc and vI~|t ulww ~_( - I r ‘ “

1, elmmemyllmmlallaame am »-gs? 
,e. 7»
»~ -- ‘ ' -‘ ‘ AV.va1rcn:~~l~l|1ckL‘), ta pr:\'cnklng plpelme aeemlem. You can cmixrlbutcm _
A ., _ the mfcxy aml ~eeanly eiymaa nclghborlmod by klmwlng wlmn: pmelme. are, A ;
-“Q 1; ‘ft and knowing how no recognize -maulhemzeal activity or ~lgn~ of a leak, .1~ M
_. well as Imw tn ropond m lhe eme el a pmelme aeemlehl rmelme cnmpamL‘~ .
’ _ _ mmnuct()>(n\'1:mbc good helglalama, :lndyu~tllkca1nyg:md lxughburhoud * N
" 'nkch program, helglalam leak out [or each other [mu m wlkh lhe pmelme - " .' , .
" c0mp.1mc~ to keep 1.»IIrK.1mlIlL‘~ ~:l[c 5 _ .§ . ' v.
" _ as
- ‘I .

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