Page 10 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 10

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Breakfast educatlo se? s A-
fo c us esgm éxc avé to rs
< I Et’l1lt,n:dl,‘:.l< V ,.
 . ‘11Mj§7:ll:s
amage Pmvcnnon Mauaget So tat, tl\cy'vc eonnpleted night at the "We thank them [or the Work they do
Mlkc Cownn lm~ been wnh damage pmvL‘nl|un—lhL‘mL‘d bmakiaah and let them know we apprccmlc them
Arkanath all for mom than m Z018, and hope to tlu a few mom dmng |l ~'afL‘ly," Mlkc .-md.
h ‘ ‘ 1:: yeata, but he neuet forgcla bclom the end ufDL‘:cmbcI. MM and h” gum wcflkm (‘mm
I: met. a. an excavator, ,
semetmnea II .- hard tu cunvlncc a bmad tange of tuplC~, melutlmg the
new spcnt mom than 22 yuan on the eampame. tn atop Wuik lung euuugh propel way tu eall m a locate n:quL‘~l tn
ethet ade cf the ahevel, tlunug an eta to host a meetmg so M|kc .ehedule. AR811 7 what tnretmatmn to mcludc
when the pmmmcncc of eall belete you the lmealtla.-t. eatly Hi the mormng, and how tu lmlp lL»:amr~ do theu Job
dlg and damage pteventmn mally eame typmally bcfom the new. am sent nut qultkly and accurately one teeutnug
lo the lutehent, and the lndlwlry was [or the day. And tathet than havmg luplc is the tmpunanee of wlute llnmg,
ehaugmg mpldly. Wurkcis dnvc lung d1.stt1n(L‘~, he much a lccllmquc wlmm wlute paint ls‘ u.ed
them w}Icrct1\cyam — hela hn.ted by c><ct1vatuI~ tu mark the ‘ob ate

F“ f‘’‘‘“'“‘‘' “’ “"“‘3" “"“ °"““"““°“ the.e athenn . 111 1.»vL‘rArkans'ls bcfun: ealhn m 1 ticket Leeatet. em
and damage pteventtun teehmque. 5 3 ‘ "" ‘dmm , mgl , ‘ivhm the d!‘ m ‘
ate agatn ehangmg at a taptd paee "we pltkcd randomly aCxos~ the flan: ammf Wm Ogm Whflh mjfimgdw
Them ate new and [aster wayi tu wlmm wc’vL‘ had the.e mvsullnga," M|kc ab 03‘. ‘_mmd_1 ;m M ’m C} am
aubmll a uckct tu AR811, mic! dtggmg mud "we reach nut to utlIllypt1rtncx5,lf L mgvkcd 3 P P ‘
tuthnlqllcw‘, hkc vacuum cxcavatlon and they tdenttty atea. where there’. a teal ‘ ’

honzuntal bonng. am bccummg mun: need tn get ttammg tn the L‘xcavalor~ m "We want to think what we and nut
common, and lueatmg Cqulpmcnt km the atea, that’. whete we go." pattnem ml‘ dmng tugctlmr l~ nnalang
nevetbeen ~u aduaneetl. D K _ I d _ I _ a tltltetenee," Mlkc aattl. "When you
MM mum 1 W V I h ‘ °“" ‘°""f““‘“f ““ f""°‘“ ‘°“‘ lhlnk abuut damage pmvcnllun and

. . ). a get t e word out tluuughuut lhL .tate lmvL aupportcd “mm mm), H,‘ 1bmmmm“mmD“

about updates‘ to aafcty and damage the luealtla.-t scum by pnmeltng food, End mm“ "D Lfdm W cm ,bud‘V
prL‘vL‘nl|on kcthnlquci acrchs the .tate meluduag Kyle Coggms, damage Wm 5“m_Cf,, 5 ’ '
and eame up w|t1\ a unique way In pteventum euetthnatut wtth ulncm:

mach out to the guys whu wlll ute the and gas pxowdcr Black Hlll~ Enugy. M|kC iald they also d.aeu..- guldclmca
mrutmatmn event day 7 the Excavators . . of the Damage Pmvcntlon Act, talk

— U sefnl Information
lhL‘m~clvL‘~. about hand thggmg and upen the floor
Rm“ than hmmg dflymg scmmm Mlkc said ylsan age, iafuty uékd ll.» be to que.ttom AIOK(()‘fCl'l1P1'1ilS:‘l~lp|1lD|’I
ht mvmmd an EXCMM Bmkm a luwet pnonty than 1! l~ tuday, but eumnnumeatmn an an opcn ta ugue
’ eempame. new eneuutage tlus kind wtth ut.hue..

scum, wllcm wutltet. enjoy a tree f I V (1 [H g I

meal wluln they leam about aamage g f°f‘5“5°d‘“:“ M j _°"_ *;W_ °'~- "If mute nut  mntaa thc ullllty
pxL‘vL‘nl|0n Hc1m~ done .evetal of " “Y ““ ‘“"“5‘ P““" °“ ‘” at the pt-mu dmngthL‘Iuct1lc.Tl\t1l

mewed m a Coupcmllvc hght wlule _ ,, ,, .
the.e m phat yeah, but tlu. yeat he an! a t. to muml, Mtlte mud we altuay.
‘ g , eampame. may compute rut eanttaeta, ‘ _ _ , _ ,

gual to hmk them mete rlgularly. or ‘mmm me my ‘Pm m mwdcd enlfhatltzt that lffiluu TC not THC, don t
"we ielt a need to get uut there and nghk.~—ui-way, lhL‘xL"~' a wild cons'L‘n~us '“ “ “ ‘“"°“’ A‘ q“““°"‘

pmvldc |nf()Inml|un that wlll glue that gamg home safe at the entl of M|kc ls alway~ louklng tot ways to
L‘x:a\‘t1lon a bcllcr chance tu go heme the day and prcvcnung tleadly uuhty expand the Excavator Bmakfaat ~L‘nna,
at the end of the day, help them do atnkca am the lop pnonly. so ll yum company l~ loukmg to get
theu jy/Ob and metvent damage tu ullllty Em they dun,‘ mp mmglu to the a lug-up on minty to (loan uut 2018,
llnL‘~, Mlkc aiud. out gual this yeat h‘ H H ff M k d U V I V _ I n eantaet hmn at atgutat-lttuatkausassllmt.
was (0 do a duzcn Excavator BrL‘akft1~ta m“‘t“b’fLh'flr“k|n'   avg.“ @

aetm. the ~'lakL\” WV 310 5 ‘

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