Page 8 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 8

Water l.II1G Strikes‘ MOVE hazardous
than 'ght th' k
you ml In 
an Mxgazrnes
otlrrrrg H as Prmrr-r~ -r~ tr "Dunng noxmal operation, Lhc |dc.1 .5
mmmndrty that you ran“ zhmw po~Il|vn pmsum on the plpmg,
sct» And Wat=r ‘'-‘P‘' that M and the good watnr Inside mu always
FD, ms 1",, mnmw, mm, um out .f you mm a ~mall bmak,"
{km A cncamhavchknnfurgnnled Iff~-rrd Bu:-ryouhamprmure
,,.. . , K ‘ L’ 7 
;  mmmg \,m.c,m},d,1,Omc”nd los~ due ;o.1m.1.urblr§ak, ditch ‘gale!
' ' bus|n2»L‘~.Opnratmgqumllybclund Drzwrrrt watvrcrm gctrntot L‘

the mom. lhmughout Axkam. an: ~,v~t°m»”

about 1000 water rystcma that aupvly Untmatnd gzoundwatu Inflluaung

, clean mlxablz water (L: (In: .mm's dmkmg Wm, PM, can bc a 5mm
m.m1cm.- 7 each mm mm own P‘Db1qm’i‘~ bmm and am“
operator and rrulm of buncd aupvly cuntammama from the environment can
I-rm» cnlcx along Wm. the watt: Tu pmvcnl
am when um water ~'lDp~' fluvnng dun rllr-cw», and to kuvythc water ~uwly
‘ to damage from excavation, everybody me any trmr there a a prwurc km rrr
mm _ and qmtk a .upp1y lmc, a ban ozdcr .5 hsund.
Jeff Stone, director of cngmeezing mm "H3 E Prtcautronary order, not because
lhc Arkamas Dcparlmnnl of Health, W“ "-“md *‘°mL‘t*tms Wrrrrtg but the
who ovcr~Lv~' um dnnkmg water rtr=rr-r;r,1-M-rrtrr-<r‘~ aren't rn placc/’ Jeff
pmlccuon pmgram my the sum, .-am wd WE dun tdortltgt-t1>vbncau~'c
«hem a 10: mum m watt: lmn damage trymg to burl W-rntcr rntrodum 1tmm1~
than ‘u~t r-mug the pipe. Ir-to *t°mt'~v tw-
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E W. VMHIVhiM11!I'\A.I\.Il0I\~.Ifr'
s . Arkansas 51: mm. mm, Issue r

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