Page 6 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 6

D t h 1 gy ‘to g
h f th .  o d t
EyAn1ls Man: 512:]:
hen It comes to leak
detectron, Heath
consullants rs a
company that knows
what ll’~ domg. one reason this
company has been in busmess tor the
pas: 35 years rs they are constantly on
the lookout for new and lnnovauve
teehnology to hnng ID Lhelr elaenls.
Paul wehnert, senior vlcz presrdent
of sales and marlreung, says, ”Each
- — e - teehnology has to be at leasl as good
— : , ( as the one that came befnm " so you
A —— —- A can bet that when Heath began to use
:- __ — Lmvs (unmanned aenal vehicles) or
~ ,1  ii  4 V .. . ”dwn2.s", they had been thoroughly
,. ge - ‘-V r - tested and the numbers had been
_ run.
‘ About four years ago, Heath
— consuhants anrl l-hysroal selenees,

lnc. were awarded a Department

of Energy grant meant to develop

‘ ‘_ mnoyatwe Iechnolugy Io reduee
Q greenhouse gas emlssrons. The
C . abjecl was to find new uses flu
- enstmg teehnulogy so the oompames
...——- v
set to worle to create a new way of
_/ .v- ~‘ , mspeetmg prpehne nghts-or-way for
_ ‘ t leaks and damage.
' 4 Q ,
. combrmng Heath consultants
. - ' portable leak deteetron hardware
- 0- u | -'
_ o, - wltll l-hysroal serences, lnexs lnstant
' Eye teehnulogy and mountmg them
~ on a deelassraed mrlnary drone

proved to be a winmng eomhmatron.
”W£ were able to numatunze the
teehnology and put n on a drone to
do lnspecnons via the arr along R-O
ws, pnmanly with nanrral gas "

But lealrs are not the only thrng these

“ _ ‘ dr1;’n2:r1r;}}1Iandyf:r Acclozfimg
, tn au , " ey can etect ea s
- =»'  " on the lin2,bul at the same trme,

wlth the cameras, you can mnmloz
construeuon or eneroaehments

by lanrlowners or eanstructlon
companies." Thrs reature saues
manpower that would ulhsrwhe be
requlmd to walk the enure length ui
a papelme.

l-reyrously, Iszhniciam equrpped
mth gas deteeuon devrees on then
persons would have walked the hne

A . Arkansas 511 Muguzme 2019, Issue 1

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