Page 8 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 8

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x 3.013‘ _ » F 1ne—tun1ng success.
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‘Q \ ’ >> Q? SUCCCSSCS, 00 CO C C tur C

an Mxgazlnes

he Arkansas Publlc Servlce~ Donna sarrl «ha« «he prpchne dnnsron "Our focus has been, Lhmughout our

cernmrssron has eelehra«ed has a long luslory of excellence, s«ar«rng hrs«ury, «u mcrease awareness and be

a lot of sueeesses ln «hc pas« a« «he «up wr«h Safety Chlei Bobby Involved m eduea«ren," Dunna sard.

several years, parueularly Henry "We have s«epped up our enor«s m
rn «he Plpclme sa«c«y orhce, and «he “B bb 1 M V i ‘ reeen« years, and «1 has been «rur«lul "
eormmssron's new d«ree«ur vuws «o ° 3’ ““ >°‘"‘ " "‘P°"f““° ‘“ ,

«he helrl and 36 years a« PSC, she Bobby ercd««s «he erlueauonal programs
°°“""“‘ ‘hm ‘'“d‘"°" “ °"°“"°““" sud ”[fv«.m adrl up «he expeuenee of as a rlnvcr of «herr sueeess ln reducrng
Donna Cray as se««hng «me her fir~I all of «he seven 1nspee«urs and Bobby, damages «o underground «aerlrhes
year as ldhlreelox r1lPSC,bI111t~'he’~lm$ly «here's 175 years of combmed rndus«ry across «he s«a«e
new «o e or amzanen e a ed wr ex nenec." ,,
en~unng pubic u«rh«res profide sate, PC w° "”"'"d d'° "“l“““"’“ ‘°’ “.“’““5°

1ha« ms«rru««onal knuwledge rs kev «u prevenhun a« calendar year 201a,
adequa«e and rellable uullty semcc a1 , ' V ,,

«he offiee s sueeess, she sard, adchng wr«h 17.9 lms per «hnusanrl, he sard,
reasonable rates aemio Lhc date

«ha« «hey have been lueky «u reerur« miernng «o «he number of u«rh«y s«nkes
ln «ac«, she spen« «run. 1931 «u and mamlam «op «alen« Even «he rnos« per «housand «rcke«s logged wr«h
2011 leammg the um and outs of lunlox members of Lhe team ollll have at Arkansas 811. "Last year, we were at 6.9
«he oxgan|zr1l|un,pnmaulyfrom a mrnunum of five yean of experlence hr«s per «housand, and we expect «he
the flnanclal and nsk assessment In the field. number to drop for 21318 ”
P°”P°““"°‘ T‘“'““‘Y fi‘’“ “‘ “‘°“‘ 3"” Plus, they have completed a lot Everybody «rom plpellne exeavalozs «o
W“ ‘P““‘ ‘“ “ ’°“'°‘ ‘“‘d“"}“" “"“’ nf truiniylg iennng een«rae«ors can «ake «he safer
Now «ha« she's back a« «he eomrnrssrun, ,, . . drggmg courses offexed by PSC, anrl

, There «s srgnrhcan« lmmlng requlrcd ,
«hrs time as «he d«rce«or, she s leokmg M “H mm um,‘ nfimd mmugh .1 s available «u anybody who wan«s «o
«o h«r«her refine already successful PHMS‘: 2 I b d d a««end, he sard
Pmgmm” 7 courses o e cons. ere

fully tmmed. Most of (luau: are a week Bobby also added that he warked
Pipelines glng and take place a« a federal facility," clécisely wr«h Arkansas 1311 «:13.-mg U
«ocuses par« of «hen resources on And «hose «olks don't ,us« s«« ln arr ;)—f’dmm mn_‘mm’mml m’um;'hkE Y
damage prevennun, but «ha«’s no« all eondiuoned orhces all day. They're ln ham“ mdmnm ’

«hey do. «he field cons«an«ly, rnspcenng ianlme~ 5 ‘ ‘

“W2 M m H“ field an the um WERE and meeung wr«h uwner/upera«ors anrl w««h «he cun«mued excellence comrng

, o«her s«akeholrlers alung «he way. hern «he Plpelme Safety Offiec, you
«armhar w.«h wha« s happenrng a|
, ,, rmgh« «hrnk Denna and Buhby would

u««h«res so r« s an miunned perspec«ryc My guys spenl a comlaned 750 days “kc lime [0 mm 1“ d bagk m mm

on an ungomg basis,” Donna sard ”My m the field las« year," Denna sard. we mm‘ Em WE‘ bn W5"

guys spen« a combmed 750 days in «he «ry «o be a par«ner wr«h «he u««lr«res we ’ ”‘ ’ 5'

field las« year." rcgula«e. we are «herr regula«or but are They ho«h sard «hey are acuvely leokrng
The Plpdm may (mm hm memd alsu lrnvolx/ed m luukmg a« rssucs «hey a« ways «u bulld un «he eernmrssron s

lace successrul programs

repea«ed hrgh rahngs «rem «he «ederal

guvcrnrncnvs Plpclme and Hazardous when «hey are ln «he omce, PSC s«a«« ”The locus hurn my perspcenve is
Ma«enals sa«e«y Arhmnrs«ra««on. eonduc« a senes of very suceessrul properly placed, and we wan« «o
PHMSA evalua«es each s«a«e on saler drggrng programs ayarlable «o eununue «huse prugrarns," Denna sard.
whelher «herr regulauon ul prpehnes ercava«ors anrl uperalors across «he "I'm a perpe«ual lmprovcmenl person,
is adequate or «narlequa«e, baserl en a s«a«e. always fine-tuning «or even be««er
eheeklrs« of r«crns, rnelurlmg damage resul«s.".

preven««on efforts.

5 . Arkansxs cu Magazlne 2019 Issue 1

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