Page 9 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 9

" cliffMeidl to be flARKANS_IAS
.. Q 1.‘ I ‘ keynote speaker
.’. ,7. " ’ at upcoming
' "" Summit ACGA REGIONAL pmmza new
l ' ' . s mt Mcidl .s a natmnal motivational and aafety speaker,
- ““ o. . r e R s okes ezson, and zimbmsadoz .n the safe industrv Cliff
_, P P W ,
. , ‘ . 04 , _ ha» inapired audiences muss North America promoting the
." __ K“ ‘~ : .1 impnrlancc of wnrksite safety and .-are digging pmcliccs He continues
*9 V .‘ r‘ ,_ ' . to partner as a spokesperson with the several Statewide ”Call 311
Before You Dig” Centers and One Calls of Amenca in addition to the
,g * OSHA Training lnatitule Education Center at CSUDH alung with
, ‘ - ~everal other safety industry siaieelnriders. Spreading tins Important
. ‘.3 a message of Safe Digging and Worker Safety .s a eer...n..o..s passion for
" ' ‘ ; curt. He believes in ozder to reduce and ultimately eliminate worker
L-0 accidents a "champion" safety enlnrre .s the catalyst to reaching that
. '» ' " * V ~' ‘ 5 goal. His pennnal story at 20 years of age Cliff iatklmmmered into
- ~ _. _ .5 Lhme live buned power 1.nes and nearly 1os. l... we and legs. He made
I _ .. , ‘ - .s V a miraculous comeback battling through a strenuous rehabilitation
cu vg‘ . , ... .. proeess and ultimately went on to make Iwu US Olympic Team~ ten
\ " — years after his accident. Cliff !‘€E2lVC(l the ultimate honor he Wfla
—_ ‘- ' » ' chosen as Team USA flag beater at the 2000 Sydney, Australia Olympic
' Cames cums a enrren. spokesperson for One cans nfAmi:nca and
' Lhe OSHA training insunrre at Cal Slate University Dominguez Hills-
. ‘ \ Wl’IlEl’I he also received the OSHA Advanced Certificate in Health &
V ‘ Safety. Cliff eamed a Bachelor of Sciente form CSULB and an MBA
. ~ .._ trorn the un.vers.ty of Southern California I
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