Page 15 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 15

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‘K = r , ‘ Damage Pmtectian, Fast, Easy, and Alzcurltal
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. v V . . - Creme derailed cross bole Inspection racoms
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‘~. '4. I ‘ , ’ ~ g ‘ ’ _ _v _, _ - lmemal logging wlth cloud em anzlysls
r ,v_' -R In dltnl In
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, Lucaln mam ulllllns. marks! aau. wldas
-_ > - and canmasysmmi ma. mavLL7c1Plo
4* . Remlvarand awaa Yrznsmlnal
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are eunsrdered lacs: Pracuce. m 33 slales " ll's also lcs~ muasrve  ill

and cause. less surrace damage, tmific elrsrupuou and lmpacl ‘

Io uxriacn acllvlllcs. MOSlul|1l(lCi car. he qulckly and cffiucnlly

uncovcred Evcn smaller, more romplex uulrlres ~uch r1~ l’-lbcp min-Gvlvulorcmssbul-HIum2'lo5‘ lmz-gasmsmusmzm
opur hues and cables can be lucalcd wnh prcclsron, rcsulung m  '”‘ V°""’"‘“ ‘L‘l‘;“:;“(‘;‘;:“£" W’ ‘’M'‘’‘‘‘
rerluced rrsk of slrrkcs.

a......a, us-3.192

Lucallng ulrhlres vla vacuum exeaualum can al~o m~ull m

subsramral casl savmgs. Purdue Unlvczslt)/~ Department of Viv-x-Mulmllch Cnrpuuliun mg .......m,, u %
Bullmns Cumtrucuon Management p-lblnlucd a smdy dew-1-ng :15: Mar... Ynll ra. anruenqau Emzl ,.r.ra.r.a.,.,a
1'10Vs'bI:alPl’flCllEQSlII sxtavallun, lncludlng vacuum leclmologres, s-mac--m msnwsa mm «<ne—m—l-W -mum-an-mm-cm
can rerluce pmlrstl cu~ts. Arcardmg lo Lhc «udy, ullcd "Co~t-

saumgs rm Hlghwzly [’zo]ccl~ Utlllzlng Submrizlcn Utlllty

Eugrrreenug," every $1 ~pcnl or. subsurrace utlllty errgmeermg

(SUE) ean resull m $4.62 m eosesavrags.

In addmoa lo lhese safely and financial berrehls, knowlng lhe , - p "'
L‘xacI1\unzA:nlaI and verlreal loralrou of uulmes wltlun a pro,eel 2*
she allows dnlllng opcralurs to dmlgn borehole alrgamerus  .,,
around exrslmg Iltllmcs. If a uuluy cannot be avorded, u mus: V; ‘ 1‘

be reloealed Haumg Lhls lniunmlllun at Lhc slarlora project, _ ,_r  ;

Instead of zxplsrlcnclng surprrses whllc dnlllng, can redurc

pro,erl dclay~ and expenses. -
Removing Slurry fmm the Project Site —- cs-_

Dunng horizontal drreelumal rlrrllmg, sluxry — a lhlck mlxturc r ‘

of waler, bentunllc and olher ehemrcals — rs crmlmually pumped i 1-:5 L q_:fr;.{g ,, ,.,

through (11: cumng head ur dnll blt. The slurry helps (1: lrausporl ' ‘- :»>‘v L '-‘ vs’ *7.‘ 9

malerral out of the bomholn, slaluhze the borehole arrd roal ‘, , ,.

the Eulllng head. Dnlllng uperalurs bcgln dnlllng Lhe laleral '3 ..l,—,. , ~.., .2 l‘

lmrehole by hr.-l nxczlvatlng an emry pll and ar. exu pu. These , V’;  -1"’? ; 

pus alluw a mic place for Lhc dull)’ to rolleel as it rs pushed    ‘ __ ;. .2

thxoughtlmbom-1\ulnbyt1\c dnlllng pressure Deperulmg on !. .~_’ 3.; ._ I. 7 ll ‘,_,‘,»

the rlesrga of Lhc borehole, Lhc execs. slurry muve. forward or » ' ’ ‘ " -

barkward through lhe borehole, rolleclmg m erlher the carry pl!

or Lhc cxll plt. oare rorrlamcd m a prl, the exress ~IIlnyc.1n be

m,,mcd 0 grkansas G

vacuum L‘xcav.1llun nqulpmlznl ran be umd lo safely and klahoma as
l:if1clL‘nIlymcIalmtlm cxcms slurry. once curuamerl m tlm AOG works hum In mama mu

vacuum rruckns (or lm.ler's) lmpnnnnabln tank, Lhc slurry ran In-gnlzfnvi 1+7»: -21 fur wul-nu fvsrnrns

be txan~poxt2d lo a faclllty where It can be legally dr.-posed of ‘$1’, Bi ,“,;‘,“,u,°_°§,,X,°g‘j' ‘

usmg vacuum cxeavalum Cqulpment to remove exees. slurry F9, mm m,m_m on

helps keep ll out of (112 mark ~llc 7 and, |'l1Gl’Ell1'\PO!(fll’Ill)',OuK ppllim inlugIily_ 91.: In rwlmaagrzwm

of rlrams, creeks and walersheds. Q

2019 lssue2 Arkansas 511 Mxgazlne . 1:

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