Page 13 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 13

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On Sepkzmher 25, 2007 o m/Isswc tmtuml gas mplnsmu undfirc dcsfrayrd an
cficc mmplu in Phzlrldelphl/1, Mfsszsstppi A utility mnmzrmv rrrudmfly hared
___ - \ mm a sewn lateral and rr gas rme. rm Imtuml 3/15 mtgmrtd fhmugh (hr sen/11'
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eye.-, odds are you'm not going to hxl it svsryonda running out of room. and nppreeme the paint, but they dun'I
baring " Whcm them uatd to be a water nne blmdlylrusnl.Pa1nlv.»nlhc gmund

“’“8°"““" '“°°‘°““"“"""“"“P“"'°° Irneond 1 owcrhne rneienbergzor and 7on1nv:1oene.- .:aoe.n'¢nmner
““d hm‘ ‘““"‘“d ‘M’ “ 1”“ ‘”‘k“ "" a ilxycclll ‘hf 1nd 1 wrxnnn fibcr we gm .1 1;: of role. In mads u~t .-o mo:
°“”’b"‘“ "‘°““‘ “ 1”” ‘°‘ ”“‘ ““3’ L‘vL‘rv1.»ng~|’n‘lhcKI1t1l;l'x'K1 mwzfnnv we c1n find ‘em nnolernenn ‘under a
"BY ““‘ ‘“““ >'°“ "‘°P P“’d““‘'°"' “*1 an die rnore they gal fifieagnp me n‘3;e ronefr. (hr: 1“ pxnee ,o..‘n;n. to hn
anmzonc ou|,fix1l,tl\cn gctprodutuun ‘h h ’ 1 

, _ _ Il~.1rcg1.»|ng lobcmlll ere. wmctxxng.

started back up yon re taking .1 10», wt

we've got two vnrnon. and they yusl "Every bore we do luv .1 nnmy Em»'Ing A, the |ndu~txy eonnnne. to zmbracn
go around all day merronrng me; up n. They am]uslunavcud.1blc. 1: yoII'm alralcglci hkn (ht ants Clmg Craves
almad of the Emws, |f any nmd to fall nut going (0 (aka Lhc umc to find them, and 1m team xmplement at Path Uhlity
back and work wxkh (hr: eren».-, thcn yuu’re gmng to hn Lhcm. You’xL‘ ncvcz Cunstrucuon, the occurrence of (Imus
they do mac, tau.” In an upon new doing a bore for n dangemua cmsa horse can be radically
WM‘ (mum gmwm and Emma" cnmmumcntinn company." ::dn|‘1‘n:admadx1d hupefully, one day,

in ournzighborlinodiandcmns, nus ltada to another one of I’2|Lh'~' '

nn1ane..- are everywhere. "The lungu u may almlcgmw never trust the paint! "Tnkn Nu cnnneew W

gues‘, the more nmrne, am in thn:m~ They may n1n»ny.- enu for the lncale,

2019 Issue? Arkansas 511 Mxgazmg . 1;

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