Page 21 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 21

A rvord of eourron. Be awam that «here
may he hurred u«rlr«re.- nuaxby when«rng «he ground otakn rn«o «he
‘ ground
| Creating good grounding where
the earth is not accessible.
_.. . .- .. AI ..-= ~ -~ ~, - -== l|’~ no« alwayo pcwslble «o lnscn n
IE}: Ell’: ll . - - » - - E 551% 51: 5§r'rr.
l=:=ln=:l znnrroe-."-5 z= aeex-.-A 5 axhfixg 5 my fimunf Elm "“° “W £[<"“"'F<‘/ ~° “f
nve o e more rnven we. or ms nnee,
EYSIM Hem’ eonnerrrng «he ground wrre «o manhole
~ . - (, - . , - - . - G eover surround eon he very enerrrve.
mood g10'~mdmz-; to nmpwxc unnry Iommne  the or we a 
brush fint «o ensure n good eonnee«ron.
nu-oduction Tip You eon also rr.e o«her rne«nllre
. r tu .- b d «h r d l
l remember when l wr1~ fink The groundrng r. mo.« cffncllvu when ‘ _"“ d’°‘ “"° b‘“ b‘ 3‘°f;“l “‘° ‘
hg Lh _ Em Mm n.ron .rgn.e«e ul eenrr u no« «o
rnrrodueed to «he rvorld oiullllty I z ear -~ rump-1 L am-In dmma “mam that mm mm

loenrrng .-onre 35yer1r~' ngo. l was «old earth ataku lo whm you P“‘'}‘ the vanh a ,0“ m’1dmm Fmmm [C H

«ho« «o ge« a good loen«e olgnal you sink: Into «he ground, mnke ~um r« I. ms U“ to m;mm to a Emmi"
Md .9 r-EC, ,1 gm; Emundlrr 1. many goe. stralgllt rn«o «he enrrh wllhout any ‘mung flfmm m ‘M h m mm a
dldn’t mean nnyrlrrng «o nre and did oldc «o slde movenrenr The deeper you ‘cm can am” (1; H the fin“ .1 ml
,,,_,rl.;,,g .9 help mmwn gm ,,.y,,,,c, D; pu~h ll rn«o «he ground «he bcttnr, n. «he Wdfw to hm‘ a‘nde Tim mulff“
"gmllnding " Hopefully rhe «ollowrng ground lends «o he more eornpnrr, end a ‘MAE “WI mdm““g mmhm
nr«rele enn help claufy «he eoneep«.. alou nror.«er, rvhreh hclp~ eonnee«rvrry ‘mm Sh Ma V ‘mm mm“

«o «he ground. In exrreme ta~'L‘~ ll~ 5 ‘Y‘ > 5

FM *° undemand Sm“"d'“s W° worrh wernng «he area around «he earth Independent Grounding

md to ur-dmt-md whvrc ~'-smb .«.rlee llenverr to the render «o deerde U d d d 11

eome from. De«ee«.rhle nlcctzomagnctlc Whm but [0 gm Wm,‘ an an In even cm gmun W cm
olgnals are erenred rvheneverwe _ 4 _ nrulrrple u«rlr«y lmcs may be bonded
have on ulzclntal rurrenr fluwlng rn n Posluomng the ground stake. «ogerher. A ryprenl example oi lhl~' Ia
eondueror Norv, for «he rurrenr to now The puma“ M W gwund Mk cm when mappmg ou« rnul«rple cables

rn a uolrry rve need n eomple«e erreun amt mum The mm is ‘D have the radlaung horn an unused low voltage
{mm o lranomlller, along «he utlllty, and . |ransi1.lzmEr mbslatlon. There r. n

olgnal lravcl along «he ullllly wlthoul
«hen back «o «he «rnn.—nrr««er an , mmmm ‘mm ‘ht fl Ml «emp«n«ron to eonnee« «he ground rvrre
’ h h 1 ’ 3 immt11ctmn~m|ttv:rmlhc .-«nrron

There nre a lew wayo «o safnly eonnerr mmmmgt mus Ht an-“Ind T0 ground Am in am B a my good

«o «he table hu« that r. nno«lrer aublzct. nrrnrmrze «he cffccts or rhe grorrnd mm and “mid x*N’m m km of
5““'“° “’ “Y W“ “a” ‘°““°“‘ ”“‘ °“““““ “ “"““ “’ P'‘‘‘“ d‘“ °‘“”‘ i 1] However «he Lnrron round rvrll
lransmlllcr «o «he uolrry. However, at-‘kc ad far away from Hm uhl-ty ’bf'C‘m’mmd to 'fl,, ‘rm came immdg.
«vprenlly, «here r. no rerurn cable. so we as pmolblu. Fur duo re.r.on, most M‘ Pmbflbly the main" “mum
muol Emam our own return path back nr.rnu«ee«rrrer.- reeonrrnend placlng Wm" the bmldm Th” allow‘ ‘hf

«o «he rrnn.rnr««er. we do thls by uomg «hr ground at-lkc vcumndlcular '0 L}-C “gm, [0 mm to im “’m

«he e.rr«h. ullllty and .r.- far away ed po..rhle. * : V

olong rnul«rple palho Emaung n \ ery
The slgnal lravcl~ nlong «he u«rlr«y Thls Is a good olanlng porn«, however, eonhrnng loenre olluallon. ln Ilus en.e
maung a “gm; WC can rmm bu, the orher rnlluenee. should he consldcmd. rr ls nrueh he««er to use an rndependen«
rerurnrng .-rgnnl uses‘ «he ground as a For nxamplc, plnerng «he ground ground olakn po.-rrroned well away
eondue«or back to the lmnomlttu The otrlkc clmc «o orlrer uullty lmzo will from «he .-ulmnrron. If necemary, u.e
rerurn eurrenr. dislnbulc «hern.elve.- eneournge «he rerrrrn .rgn.rl «o hrreh an er«en.ron enhle to Extend «he e.rr«h
«hroughou« rhe groond ~o «hey lrnve a rrde on (lieu: ulllllmo. The result eonnerrron «o a .ur«.rhle groundrng ~lle.
. blhruh « .- lbc .-
"‘““‘““‘ ““°F‘ °“ ”‘° "$"“‘ ‘““““““$ °““ 7 ‘ ° ’°1‘"“ “gm “gm” No«e: As .r role, rs rhe enhle. am, or nrny
from «he u«rlrrv. ln «he one of mam olgnlficant enoog r «o erenre nno er .
— he lrve, do no« u.e n drreer eonneerron
cables, «he far end ground ls eree«ed olgnal whlch can he eonhrnng for rhe “mm W hm ‘ht “mm Q Hi mm
‘W “W '"‘‘“‘‘°‘ °‘ “W Ca“? Th“ °"“““" 5°’ “ ‘h“ "°’“‘°“ °‘ "‘h“‘ and ir.n),e heen sullably lramfd §or lrve
Iransmlllcr end r. u.u.rllv erenred bv urrlr«re. r.- known, leeep «he ground _ * _
— — h cables, n .rgnnl clamp ~lmuld he used
«he opnralor. A me«nllre eer«h stake, otrlkn well away «rom « enr.
_ H I _ 1 D _ 1 h wluch la another «opre.
u~ua y 2» (Ian .om rn eng« ,r. Am mmmbfl um um gmund
lnscrled rn«o «he ground end «he black Knowrng wlml .rgnnl r. herng
. eonnee«ron lend wlll have «he re«urn
lend rronr rhe «r.rn.nrr««err. eonnee«ed fl ml and can bccmmd mm the «ran.-nrr«red from rhe rrnmmrrrer la
ro r«. ’ 3 a good mdlcatlon or horv good «he
.rgnnl from «he ullllty. l<eeprng «he
groundrng r.-. .
cable perpendreulor rvrll help reduee
«he Effects of Lhls
2019 lssue2 Arkansas «:11 Mrenne . 19

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