Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 22

l7.VJnnn Jalmbl
You Be the Judge!

e recently eornpleled shuldowns do you lhmk we, the » . , .

lhelongeslus. leoleral people, would see rnhal were lhe ease? "' '},"”..”f1‘°l°‘ Th“ “M ”‘° 5°“

parnal governmenl one lasl shol al congress e lhey should "EM '”' 3‘ W '“ a“ U5‘ “M d“

_ . . . ‘ ; best form of guvzmmznl m lhe world

~huIdown In hrslory, emoy lhe same reuremznl loenehbs and 1,‘ b . ,
based on Lhe news reporls, lhere as a heallh insurancn opnons that the resl (2 lad "“f”.'f1" ‘h“‘ W“ ‘“ ‘ “"3"
possrbrhry that lhere may be anolher |n of the populanon enjoys and obey lhe if " °"‘fi‘f1“ °}‘f“."""" ""‘“ ‘1“’“51‘
the nol-loo-ehslanl rulure sarne laws. . E 3” ‘‘ ’'‘’.‘“ ““““"Y “'1 "°“"‘“3 ‘°

> rmprove. whrlesarely should neverhe
whal happens dunng a shuldovvnz whal does this have lo do with sarelyz cempmmwedr compwmise m C°“S“»’»">
"Nan2.~'sential” federal employees are Iu~'I lhls: Llie goes on even duung a ~*'°“‘<‘ "N mm‘ "D0 It my way at
iurloughed. whal is a furlough? Thal gavel-nmenl shuldown. The famous don’! d0 it at all!”
depends. Generally, it as an unpald Mr. Mu h (M h  l_ NEVER , .
leave ofnbsence. some federal rp Y “W y ~ aw) BTW 41“ ":':‘S.A ‘ Cg” P“’°.“““
ageneles (e g., TSA) required "”'°,'y °""“'"“ 5
lhear employees work wllhout F ‘CPAC e’ lam‘ *°‘}n<‘
pay some rederal employees , r - °‘ “°“"“S" "=S“d'"E
(e.g, Alr Traific conlrollers) \ 1.‘-‘ P’°P‘?*"=“‘ ‘}‘“"E“‘ I“ See
are requlred by law to _/ i: 1,‘ er . . 7- Ar  |"P"“‘,° :"“"“Y '°S“‘"“°“~‘
continue to work even Ihuugh —‘ /2" ' ' , ‘V Q. ‘—'~ 7‘ " - “N °"E““'€d "1 Ausmt
«hey are on strike and nol ' , ‘ ".  i‘ * ‘ ll] I L 2'3“ Wm postponed
gmmg Pam F0‘, mploym ‘ 1. , _ l; ‘ V J V; I ‘A ‘ . vl:_ ‘_  s \ because of lhe shulrlown
llvlng pay check o pay check, , . r:—. “A   elf; _l_,».r?n.., ;¢.«_; ll, y K , cm.‘ ‘W "en  cf the
the furlough was-anrlsullls- ,: 1‘, ij fl: 1 31; ‘ ‘Al N L, “E'"“"lL been ff:M‘1jeduled-
amaloz problem Asafunnzr ‘ .-g_ ‘ " -. ' ' , ““‘ ““ V‘’“ “Y9 °““"'““
federal employee, I have been ' "-'-" - 20207
gere allld done that.‘ ll is NOT iunl.’ I Be sale out lherell .
ie on y goud news rs Lhal, lnvanably, lakes a vaeanon or goes on furluugh.
back pay and benenls (such as earmng Accidents anll happen Inst because
vacation and slek leave) are provided congress ls nol dmng lls lob and Wm /Mob: rcnmd/ram PHMSA.
even lo those employees who drd not lerleral employees such as FAA incident Fer anesmms er cmummrs, email.
work At leasl the affected employees lnvesngalors, PHMSA prpellne sazely //a:abl("JsbcgIobl1I.rleI
are, lo some erlenl, made whole rnspeolors, QSHA rnvesngalors and
The word lhal EIVES me hearlburn fins“ ‘““°“‘5“‘}‘j“' ““ "'°“““‘ ““‘"
is snunmmhal ,, H an Employee H 0:: nol meant al aceldenls cannol 
"nonessenllal" and can be fuzloughed “f: ‘''.‘_'l “°‘ }‘“PF““- F“""°"“°"=r 3 2 
(L2, as lucked oul from perronmng ' "E '” "° my ‘hat mm "'9 °"°“gh : 
lheujobs unlike TSA employees and an "g“l“'°“' *’“'‘°““‘.' “f “V k“‘d “’ 2 
Iraffic eonlrollers) during a shuldown b“ '“’""“'}‘°"" l°°“‘“5 °"" YOUR 3
Why an my mm m M fim PIM7 I shoulder to lell you lhal whal you are 9, 
  , we   manna
‘1 “‘ the safet v of Lhose arou d ‘ YOUR N

ln my vrew, the nrsl people to lose * {)1 , ’ “ W“ ‘e = Hanna
Pay shun” bz Rwy angle mmbfl Qzaponsl r lty. please, please, please :-
of congress and all of lherr slate. They ;’ “Y"}:“'3' ‘“‘ V°‘" 5°V°’“‘“°“‘ ‘° d” ‘o 
ahuuld all [032 a and be _ I Eng Ilhlng DI’ protect yuu from your ‘D 3 3 5 4 9 7 2 1

p y nems unnl W,“ male. . a _
the lssue is resolved and Lhal loss ‘ ‘°“°’”‘ "’ 6 7 2 5 3 l 9 a
should he pennanenl. Huw many I know lhave been hard on congress
20 . masrs s11 Muguzlne 2019, lssuee

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