Page 9 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 9

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A Key to Successful HDD P1‘O_]CCtS Eyborvsudmer
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uh Ila ability to safely dlreeuonal drilling can cause significant millions of dullazs in property damage
expusz undezgruund pmiecl isauzs. and lnauzance liabllity. Along wnh
utlllries and effectively Th _ . _ interrupting aervaee, strikes can alsu
. e use of vacuum zxcnvatlon la _ _ _. _
removeenvuonrnenlally um am“ mu mfiomumm cnu.~2ouIagE.s,2xplu.s|on.s,flzeaand

aznairive rnalenal.-, vacuum exczlvatlnn q 9' 5 E .3 *  flash floodlng.A~1rik2n2ara sen.-dive
. . . Inmlhgatelhasznsks whalsullpw... .. _ _ _ .

Is qulckly becoming standard praehee a brig‘ dmmiun Bf ‘he mm mum ianllty, such}: an arrow or hmpllal,
on honzumaldizzctlonaldzillmg . 1 h . 1 can dlarupllife-anvmgsyslems.

. Li excavahun can p ay al Dnzuntn
Pm!“ ' dareeuonal drilling alias and how it ean Drilling operalurs shuuld alwaya call
The need to eonneel ualme, and help keep pmjeda moving ahead. 811 before atnrting any digging pmlzct,
azrvlces acro.-a roadway.-, rivzn and L . . . however, one Call marks only pmvlde
. acntmg Exlstmg Umieygmlmd h . . . . _

congealed areas has apnrkzd the nae ui “MW; I e approximate loczltum of utlllty lure...
horlzumal directlonal dIllliHg(HDD)1 Vacuum mavmon which mm D“

a lrenahle.-a technology that lnvulves Relanvelv reeenl advances ln nDn_dNmdM mgr M 1‘! vaéuum
u.-an;aaurzaee-launeheddnllang infmstzucturz—auchasLheinalallztlon ‘Khmiu mm mdéffinmu
rigln dullalnlezalborehulz alonga of fiber-opriccnbles by telzcnm g}{ .be Y vb , Y H

. _ ereavace, aa eurnea ealpractlce
predelernuned path compared to eompanre. and upgraded power in ‘hi field of wmlmtmm Emmi”
rraditmnalopen-trenching methuds, lines by utlllIies—}lav2 caused the Man a mmmd mum amm
hnrizunlzl directlnnal dzllling is lea. ground benealh uur feel tn heeurne R uiym Evnugdm m vzfigi’ on an
invaaive and more ver..-anle, it ean more cungzaled than ever. Wnh Ihls ln 9. _ h _. .
.. _ _ . _ . . . ualuv marklngsbyp yslcallylucntmg

conneclutllltleaandaervlceafmm mlnd,hnnzontnlduectlonaldulllng mm“ “mm md ummfi

"point A” to "paint E” wlth mlnirnal Dpzrztan ihnuld knuw exaellv where * 3 5'“ * '
dlstuzbancz tn above ground realurea. underground uallne. lie before drilllng unng vacuum excavation equlprnenl
However it is uol without lhe rule begins to locate L|U1lfi2aiS much safer than

for costly damages to lhe pm]2ct Nu‘ knowing the meme hufiznnm uslng nlechanlcal ur hand-dig methods.
one and auzmundlng areas: Lateral- d ‘, U h E d d According tn the Common Cmund
mnvlng drills run the uak of stuklng ;‘a“nh“‘:‘_‘::ul§°r“E§_:‘l‘t‘:n‘;‘;;:§:f’E‘:ch Alllancz (cc.A), "nun-dealruelive

undz round unlities, while the 2 . * 3 ' excavation and utlli lucatz methuds

‘E W
_ _ . _ . year, uhluv atzlkzs,
release of a slurry rnmure u.ed dunng . . .
uhhues and government entmes CONTINUED an PAGE 13
2015, Issue? Arkansas s11Ml!gl:1lrle . 7

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