Page 11 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 11

.1 p1111 working 1el111on.-h1p. 111.11 e11.1. ma] 1l11ll11. 1n

pmductlvlty .1nd 1n1p.1e1. 1he b1111on1 l1ne

And 1111.11 e1e11e. a p111l1len1 11111he e1e111.11o1.- wl111

aren't txymg 1o .l111n1e111 1he .y.1e1n. Hcm’~ 1111111 The

loczllors 11e woxkmg 1 1o111e 111 11el1e1., l1111 when 1hey ge1 A TEXAS GAS

.1n cmL‘rgv:ncy 1e1111e.1, 1l1ey typically have .1 .l11111 11n1e 1o 
1e.p1111d. l3een11.e 1hey .11e pulled away 11o1n 1he mutlnc ’

111 normal loe.11e mqucsl, 11e1n well be 1w11 111111111 1111111.

11111 of 111e11 d.1y (depend1ng en how 111 1hey n111.1 11111/e). B O A R DWA |_ K

n111p111. 1he1n n111he1 buhlnd 1he11 .el1ed11le. r1111he

11ne. who 11y 111 an 11 nght

So y1111 e.1n .ee 1he 1111.-11n11o11 of 1l1e cxcavalor who new

111. w111l1e1. and Equipment wzullng for p.11n1 111 11111. 1111

1l1e ground A11l11. p111n1,111. e.1.y 111 11ee11n1eln1.11.11ed PWELIN E PARTNERS.

.11 1he lee11111, .1n1l .on1e111ne.- nghtly .11. However, when

.1 l11e11111 gets p11lled 1111 1he11 mgulax 1o111e of 1o1111ne

1111111 1eo11e.1.- l1y,11.-1 1 eonple 111 11l.e en1e1geney Commmed ‘O operating Pipeline Asses
1eq11e.1.-,11.=n1.1111e. 1 lo1 of people. l1.-.111eyo111h11 in a Safe reliable and com “am manner
most 111 me 111111111» l'11e 1.1ll1ed 111 over me p.1.11we111y d I .d. h h. hp I I f
ye.11. .11e 1.1111.-1111e1l 1.1.-1he e1en11.11o1 wamng for 1l1e 3" WOW "'9 ‘ 9 I9 _eS‘ E-‘V9 0
mam customer service.

wh11 1. me ~oluuon7 l. 1l1e1e wmctlxlng 1h11 e.1n he

done 111 1ed11ee 1l1e n111nl1e1 of false cmcrgcnclcs bclng

e.1lled m7

humus below.
‘ callmmyumlg

Some .1y 1he1e ought 1o be civil pen1l11e. 1..11e1.11ed w11h

  s-mv Is um um -rI-rnvl
Almady, 1he1e 11e slatm lookmg 1o1n1plen1e111 finL‘~ 111

1h11.e who .-ho11 1111 1he .y.1en1.

o1he1. sull l1el1eve1he1e need. 111 he 1 blggur p11.-h 1111

ed11e.11111n .1n1l f11cL‘»tu-[act d11e11..-11111. 1o find common

ground l1e1ween Ihc exe1v11111. who call 1he..e 1n,

1l1e loe.11o1.- wl111 are 11np.1e1e1l .1n1l 1he 1111l11y ewnen 3

l’m 111l1l 1l1.11en1e1geney 1eq11e.1.- (valld .1n1l mvalld)

makc 11p 1pp1ox11n11ely llm 111 1he 1o1.1l volume of l11e11e

11el1e1. o11 a d11ly 11.1.1. .1n1l1hn11l1e1e1. .1 p.111e1n 1o 1.11.-e b I

nmugcnty 1eo11e.1. Mneh 111 1he 11n1e, [aim en1e1ge11e1e. Know mm mm

.11e predictably 11o1n 1he ..1n1e en111y 1.11 mglon. 11'. 111.1 “,5 e '

n1o.-1ly 1he way 1hey'11e le.11-ned 111 do l111.—1ne...  befoye you d|g_
l11111he1 l1el1eve1h111no.1eve1yl1odyw1l1e. 11p every

day and 1n1e11d. 1o do 1 good 11111. l do11'1l1el1eve 1l1ey

w.1n1 1o e1e11e pn1l1le1n. 1111 Everybody around 1he1n. Ii ®
111.11’. 1111e,1hen n1.1yhe we do 11eed1e find way~ 111 11111 A\\ A L B E M A R L E
111 1n111he1 about 1l1e 1n1p1e1 we all l1.1ve en e.1eh 111he1.

l.e1'.- work 111ge1he1 1o ~ulvc 1h1.- pmblcm. pmud to be in Commb,-a own,’
And 11 we find sommlnn 1111111111.-1doe.n'1wnn1111 get

along 1111111 .1nyl111dy, one w1111 doe.-n'1e11e .1bo1111he Nalural Gas lransmussson
d1111e11l11e. 1heye1e11e1e1 eve1yl111dy el.e, le1'. w111l1 H25 93111911119 um;

tugnthur 1o en1111ee 1 bchavloral eh111ge.

Thar. why1hey.11llen1111ee ~pccdIng law.-.. 11'. me

11nly w.1y you can get .-11n1e pe11ple 111.lew down. 5

21111 15.112 1111.1. 111111111111 . 9

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