Page 14 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 14

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. EVSICVC Bcnzle
D1st0rted Locate Tones
hen  n,,,,i,r n locate Tim  n numklur nr tcclmlquca that "$1   m “:1 P°“*;"‘
nine to n buncd utility, we can be used In ldcnllly n elmnrreel ficld. E“ f‘;““ ab gm‘ ‘"0 * ‘“‘  “‘
tnszltcanclcclmmzlgnctlc Iwlllcxplalnafc\\lw:ly~ Iam~um gt‘ «CR 3/ l~mrIm-vnwm! M-1
neln around rlre utility rim zlm rsrlren, but thew am thc unc~ ‘ ° P°“*r ‘° W mm‘ ‘" "“°"“”%" W‘
lr. rlns neln thalwc elereer when we (in: [um W‘ "‘ W Pm "“‘°‘° W ‘“°“"‘°Y>
utility locating. in anldL':lIw(lrld,t11L‘ Puk/Nu" M M“, W ”‘:"'°""'r W" G" W‘ ‘*‘° “'1 “‘“°‘°
signerrnrinresnnnrnnrrlrenrrlrryrnn L L “I ‘E "‘l>'I<‘°"*'*>'d*~‘“m‘dflfildw d
nlcc prcdlclzlblu way. All cable Incamh Mnsr rnnelern czlbll: lncernrs linve ‘  “M; ‘‘C‘“‘ P";““““ ‘”‘ b°“‘“‘;] E
arc ad)II~tud and calibrated awlllnlng lnrnznnrnl enrennns rlrnr give n good 3“? ‘‘:1‘‘ “ ‘E’ "‘°;“f':"ld“T‘}““ ‘
:hi~ I~ the cam Hnwcvcr, in the ma! prL'(l~L' flgha] thalnIaxlmlzc~ the bar Q”? “C: "‘d“ 'l‘][;”“ ‘ ‘ "W"
world, K112 srgnnl l~ my often elrsrnrreel graph reading w11cnIll~dlrcctlyo\'cr ;“F;“‘ d“"l "" "°“‘“7’l°§“"“”“'“
w11l:11canloadtu>cr\'lcc>bulnglocated theullllty.Tlmy:lI~1.»havc:l\'cItI::lI “"““ "‘“““““5"“ ‘”“‘”“““
In rlre wmng puullon or depth .rnrr~nnn rlrnr crcalc~ a minimum bnr Thl~ I~ a good tL~c11nlquc but can be
graph reading whcn Lwur this utility. lnnlea by ~ymmcmc:lI nrsrnrrrnn. This
\.A A. Q
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12 . mmserr Magazine 2519 ls5uc3

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