Page 8 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 8

S h I  t  h 3
C OHTS |pS 0 IS .
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SI gn m e u p.
, he nireciion is entering iis
_. Ihird season and has added
3  ihe Discovery channel to
 _ its lisl or channels Ihat also
<  '- inclndes ihe Pursuil channel and
» T K Mow
N o i
‘A F/SKI 4 56!! LAKSMIP h d fish E h 11
- ... T is oul our in 5 ow rarriest 2
' _ fRP¢KflN '_ ‘ niessage oi dainage prevention and
- ' I , ,_ _ -' ,_  raising ihe awareness ofdle irnponance
4. “‘ ' E’; ,   -,,, ofralling snheiere yon dig. II is based
'« ,. ,4!’ if ‘‘ r"- ' ‘ ~ —— , . Me ‘ on iamily, fun and iailh; everyday
Y ,‘p/ch ,   W  ,,.. pnnciplesmakmglaslxngrelationships,
- 0 u r a n  0 I n ‘ good choices and seuing good examples.
2 re 3. _ W Mark sinweche crealor and siarnnhis
‘I  S h l h >. pnpular fishing show credits the many
_. . c o a rs up ,  
' ' ' ' Meghan wade, (mail: Jininiy Jennings,
one call Concepls; Misty wise, SCSn;
R L' b,0H8 cl I11
smewm ream» are ...;‘.i.‘;,: 
t ih '11‘
' am A% scam-Anvil.-n §:isl::ig1Gii:;?eosr:ion:Ta:fyne:rfix:-ugli
coinniei-cials (outing “Call Sn heiere yon
°*--°“'=*-=" 1 
._._._.......... .2: v.
Mark said. “having national known
guests like Tnnlernan Ernie Brown Jr.
__ g _, who starred in Animal Planet’: call
of the wildrnan was a real Ireat and
- ’ W , heneficial Io growing the viewership.
_ fl may ifi Tnnleinan was inn, easy Io like and
knew how to get it done."
1 Mark Iollnwed with. “were excited

almul a new oppnnunily this year.
We've been hlessed in that The
Direrlion has been so well received.

As I112 resnh DI the shows snccess,
we've decided to lfiundh a scholarship
program or yout parllupalmg in
coinpemiye Bass Fishing. The span is
growing like rra1.y.'

 when asked why this particular
‘ _. 7 ¢ , _ scholarship, Mark explained. “When!
A y 1 "‘ 5 ,  , _ ‘>‘ .' . '2?_l ’ K ul,i- grew np,ialways wished [here would
-. ,-  . , CT F A _‘ have heen high school and college bass
i ,r ,, fishing teams in my area. There wasn'i,
,_ e;\\_:'~~=-5 '_"""lf-".e:',- A - ‘ so now we have the e,s,iannnicynsol>re.-
:~«._~,;—t_ __ »' ~ ,_; - _ g A g  (5)$1ouuscl|o]arsl|ips(o young men
5- -—_..: Pg‘ ~_ V .: '~: ~;~.‘—}.-“:r—“‘ tr - I _ V)? and wonien who love I112 spun like]
.7. ._— L :’_;:' 9:; ' »_ a‘ ’_f * 2:. did. us justaway in say “Thank yen"
V : _—1:_ ; U‘ , ,7‘ .; L_._ _ ._ :4_~‘—~:— for what Bass Fishing has rneani to me.
._~ ; r " --‘.--—-—'s‘ -; WNW“ .
~ .. - - _ greatleam ofsclnnlarslup
— - A -“‘ ' ' supporters: Gun. oiidii, ALdii. one
s .  511 Magazine 2020, Issue 1

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