Page 17 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 17

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had a sail the other day from house or office hui1ding(bztause flood Likely Pmhahility» §‘otentiel» How do
a eusto.ner who was smoking is flood — personal or husiness) is nol you ever feel secure?
rnad — his house got rlooded ina in a llood zn:-n‘zy the hanh is nol going to W,“ you an, (alking 31,0," mvgragg
rainstorm, and his agent told hun require flood rnsuranee. Thais nght as it Wm, your agmy m you mrmm, in
“ “"*‘“" ‘°V"“d' :1“ ‘*d‘‘’‘'‘‘5 15°’ ‘“‘‘.‘d’‘ '1‘; 13;? 1“ ‘Pi, hearing whats ayailahle to get or only
n°,,a,n,o1,a.,.,wm., eves-lsffl 9°"? 9°; tggtgl d wlwal you havz to gel? Ifyou just ask
zonzyyou never ear zwo s oo 1] ‘ H h ‘h t H

You see it on TV all the nine; here lnsuranee reryuu-erne.ns:' 1;“? 1:3‘: dy:S‘}n;::qf"ir:r;:n‘f:‘;;:.fE
‘°"‘“ 3 W5 mi": “"‘" “ma” d°""‘ using the scznario ahove. just because nc-I going to know What you mid have
3 ""3" ""1 ‘“1"'"“"“ "°“"“' ""‘“‘%1" the hanh doesn't require ii doesnt rnean to protect that large investment you are
the from yards. across the street and you won ‘ Wish you had i‘ 3‘ mm Pom mu, U, ,,,m_

into the nern lront yards. water [laws W dminneanmmdmmm mm * _ V

down like Niagara Fa1ls—OK, inaylae W m En F1WdZDmdEa|11j_mh Unless FEMA '"l““"~‘3 -t» the bank,
not that rnueh. hut enough to notiee,— {gm ‘,’,,y,§y,;1,yy' filmy“ flood dam E ‘V1"°'5 3150 in as bigahlttw as you aréw to wash out your yard. n gels P Y ‘=‘ -'4 - fioestft  whether you set flood

into the houses usually in a new l-‘EMA elassiries risk lay using three msurance AND unless Flood Insurance
suhdiyision, and heres the newsraster Dverartlwing flood zones laased on the is for a 1t>an_<1DsingtVy°" re gonna have
holding a rule in (root or a liorneowner likelihood of flooding in that area: a 30 day went to get It_anywa.v- 'l_"1nclt'I'tc
whossayingnlxndinsuranee wonlpay _ ",1 _. k S .1“ d” d alottnotelnte-‘medtnpmtccttng
,l,,,,,is‘,dm,,,m,,w \vha(“,E".Egoing -gms er Pena 00 mt Iheir interests (their rollareral) Ihan in
so d.,; {W35 3" 1F‘‘“5 I‘ DYV " ‘_1°°d proteeting your interests. Thais up In

msurantz I5 lederally rzqllwed. zone ym
what kind of insuranee doesn't royer v is the rnost hazardous flood zone,
Hood? and it is usually round in heaehrront Eheap insurance is not cheap» E;-It it
. ' ‘t

EVERY kind or insuranre doesnt 3”“ ‘°““1 “V“" d::::ff:_f;;",§?g:fEy§f,'fi::;V:32,2;'
eoyerllood.ltsaeornpletelysenarate - lvloderatensh areas are Zonesfi w1myo,,md,mm_.g_y

policy — and thars the only nsk it and x. _

does cover. Flood is nev2r“included" . . Y°“|' h°m9r )’°‘" h“5mE55 P"°P“‘}’ ’
in,wm,W,,e,.,,_.P,,,pmyP,,1igy_ - Le-W’-'-skercasatelenesitand X» Ihafs what you worhall your lite Io
Ever. The only place In even get Flnod Obviously, the nearer you are In water, have and mic-y» This Is not the Place to
lnsuranee is the Federal Govemmznl. the lihelier you are In have water barge-n hunt-

Your agent. or eourse. is where you da.naging your propeny. The tunher A1 123:‘ gm your aw, Explain whey:
apply for it. away you are iro.n water — roasthne, mnahyz ‘G You ‘D Pm“ mmhing
where to start? whos at fault? Who to :33g1§j§f1;jf;;j";;§jijfzgfijllefjge  got!

1'13"“? word “1ike]y' lull you into a falsz sense Let the facts help you decide W

Lets “blame' the bank. They require of seeurity. T1wzre's No area totally free

are insuranee. dc-n't Ihey? But, it the of the polenlial lor llood.

2020 !ssue2 Arkansas sn Masaan. . 15

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