Page 19 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 19

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strikes Eddie said. 1]: continued, “Out models. the HX3o‘ IIXSO and HX75 Anyrliing else we need to know. Eddie?
latest nroeiei Khc Ditch witein llX3oG oflcx mutstanding snenen and water iie smiled and said‘ “Dani fmgct our
vacuum excavator is the economical. yet pressure along with the industry 5 best S\|hsi(c® Elcclmnics locamrs which
powerful, vacuum excavation option fur filtration and maximum pmmcuon ie..- add an additional level of satety and
urban and rcsidcntial jahsims lfs huilr key coinponmts. convcnicnce when stunting out a new
taniaintaiilpitiwcraild prL7duC(i\'ily Edam am Mm \.ThC BM “M1 jobsite. snirsite ieeater-sorter ate ‘
\vil1woiilbxeaking the bank‘ . . . . most compiehcnsiva [me of clcctmmc
units oflnx mpumal \'n'sau]|(y. As an Midmc C M mm on ‘he market

Hcthcnaddcd,"T1wclow—p-rofllcdcsign cxalnplc.theUX3nGcomcsinavaricly mda '1 P

of the Ditch \\ite1n iix se.-res vacuum or trailer configuratinns. mtludmg the V’

cxcavalms allow {er easy navigatimn new D\[C]\ witeln VT9 tr-aileig when Fur me.-e interrnatiora yisit www.

on any iobsilc, without ccunpmmnsing equipped with tine 500 gallon tank. has rirlchmtlc/ an

gmund clearance. \Vith mptions of 500 .1 G\'\\'R ciflcss than m,ooo lbs. and

or 800 gallon debris tanks‘ all ienn does nut require a uni. [L7 txansporl' -

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 before you dig_ ceiling 311 is the rirst step. but what else should
Your crews know to avoid hitting utility lines?
visit ‘ to request a
y . . .
A L B E  R L  free onsite training from our damage prevention
coordinator. We're ready to help your team stay
V ‘ sale and avoid iines.
2020 Issue 2 Arkansas an yegnnne . 17

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