Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 22

by lenn Yacubl
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ne of my laveclce heehs is The seven l-lahlcs and chucches ace clesed. Macch Madness has been
nf llighly Elfective reeple hy scephen R. cancelled as have all pmfessional speccing events. They
ceyey. Hind ic hacd ce lcelieve chac ic has even cancelled che l-leuscen Rndenll Stores cannec heep
been cnece chan 30 yeacs slnce ic was firsl supplles [toilet papec and hand sanlcizec ce name just

published. My lecus ceday ls Habit 2 — “Begin wich che Iwo) on che shelves. Nen—essenclal ecnpleyees have lceen
end in mind." Hahic 2 is based en che principle chac celd ce scay hecne. The DOW has dcepped rcem 1g,oucl
all chings ace cceaced ac leasc cwice. First chece cnusc ce 72,000. Lecs of had chings have happened. Eyecyene
he a cencepc ec idea. once che cencepc is escahlished, has chelc ewn spin en che nacuce nf che Comnavirus and
che secend scep is ce cnahe che cencepc a ceallcy. More hew Io pcececc chemselyes and chelc lnved enes.
cuncisely, pirk che cighc ching ce de, chen do ic lucl-lT. How [an A Pandemic be whim lined? Them an MS
whice linlng is a comhinalinn of hech che cencepcien of maps ayailahle, lncc che ceallcy appeacs Io he chac,

el a pcejecc (pncclng snmelhing in che gceund) and ac leasc for che mnmenl, che spcead er che disease is

che safest pessihle way nf geccing whaceyec ic is in che cnece ec less unde. conlrol. Here is whece che whice
gmund. How is whice linlng pan of che cencepcien of line comes in — hew seen can we gec back ce “necmal?
a projerl? If yen wanc ce gec cechnical, whice lining whe gecs Io draw che whice line? i.e.. whe gecs ce

is pcehahly nec pacc nf che lcaslc pucpese of a prnjecl decide when che pandecnic is over? lc appears ce me
(e.g.. che pucpese el an nndecgcennd ucilicy is ce move chac che nacienal pcess is "all in” wlch che cencepc nf

a quantily of secnechlng fmm pelnc A ce pelnc B). The never leccing a geed crisis ge ce wasce. The lcesc advice
quantity ce he moved and che ceuce hecween Point A l have heacd is ce nec panic. seenec ec lacec we WILL
and Point B ace cciclcal factors in eslimaling che cesc of gec chcengh chls and we WILL cecevec. lc weuld he nice
che pcejecc and hew leng ic cnighc cahe ce icnplecnenc che if we. as a naclen. ceuld all pull in che same dimclion
pcejecc. Thac is whece whice lining cecnes ln. whice ce gec chceugh chis. ldnn'I necessacily agcee wich

lining requires che deyelepec ce accually lonk ac che everything chac is geing en. huc l work hacd ac Irying ce
slce — nec just cnaps or aeclal pheces. By whice linlng a he pan of che selncien and NOT pacc of che pcehlecn.
“.““”'. ‘he ‘“"”'°”‘" °' ‘?“‘“‘‘°' 9" 3 3°“ 1°?“ ‘*3 ‘h" lhepe chac lcy che cicne chese cheughcs ceach yeu, a
sccuacien and cnahes che Jul) el che line lecacecs cnnnnely . h 1 I. h b d 1 d d
easiec. ll cenlliccs ace disceveced, changes ce che ceuce “"‘°““" °' 5°“ °‘ E’ 5“ “ '°“ 3‘ “E” ‘M “P” 3“

d/ec che end lecaclens ace essihle wicheuc incuccln ‘““‘ “°"° °‘ W“ “"2 ‘““"°" “Y '“°" ‘“““ “"°'“‘“‘>’

an P E

che cesc of lasc cnlnuce ce—.euces ec, even wecse, che cesc “°°“‘"Y’ .

el shuccing dewn a jab while dacnage ce exisling ucilicles

is cepaiced. The likelihood el an injury ec a deach is I

minlcnized when whice linlng is used. /ohn lamb: mm-W1/mm PHMSK

Far qlczsfians arralummfs, email‘
As l wcice chls (che ldes of lvlacch), che Comnavirus /-/-,,,c,,,,@c,,,C(g,‘,,,,,,_,,E,
has hammered ccayel and cnass gacheclngs. scheels
20 . Avkunslss s1lMuguzme 2020, Issue 2

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