Page 16 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 16

What To Do When OSHA comes Knockin’

Authofls Nate: Tlltfnlllmlnlg il1furmm‘lon mmmms suggestians ya" may mm tn 145C 17! working with pcrsovmelfwm Ihcfcdeluzl Depnrhllml
cfLlzDar'5 Oaupaliawnls/1_/Ely and Hmml AdmItlI5h/Ihull ll I5 notprmewfcdus legrvlndvlce As np;lm;lriAI?,('oll514l!wiHl ylmrlegnl (lnmscl.
Under ma Dculprmwml Srrfcfy and l-lealll. Ad a/1970, OSHA may cutldud workplrrrc ln5pc'c!iavt5 la defennmc lfrm cmplayer is Camplylng
wllh OSHA 5;‘lmdm'ris.

nu slmuld have 3 planl

p hazazd and to remnve employees from name complmnlsnmy alspeemermm

Impact-om aw gar-emlly lhe zxposum. If lhe employer lmls to police or me elepanmenls, leeal m

C°"al“=l°_°l Wllhwl "Nth cooperate, Lhe zmplnyer could be held s-«ale uffirinls, doctors who have treated

Prmrnohta Thar? amoma crlmlnally nngllgcnlifzmployeesare employees, and ulheh. cemplmms
axreptlonar but advance “ONCE Will lnluzzd 01 killed at the ule. may be filed vla lhe lnlemel, FAX, mall,
generally be less lhan 24 hours I 0, tzlzphone‘

2. Fatality ur sevexz Inluzy msulllng m

lf an 9l“Pl°Y“ mfuaea *0 aalmllan aialallty, anovernlghthospnalizatlon, 4. Pmgxamlnspeellensare aimed al
OSHA wmpliflnca Ofhtarr 0' ll an an amputation or less of an eye are lnelnsn-les or oeeupauons that have
“"‘Pl"Y“ "“°l“P“' '0 mlellm‘ with OSH.A’s seeend pnenly. complmnee hlghcz-than-normal accident rates.

the insvethm legal am?" my be oeheers will frequently show up at Conslruclmn and uullty work are
mmalarl For example the compliance lhe scene it lhey hear about ll Dvez the elassllleel as lugh-mle melnslnes.

off-cc! la obllsatcd 10 ohlam a ~'aar=h lnlemel, radio, or lelevlslon. Aeeldems .

warranty-fmq-Mad eesnlungmaralallly musllaeaepeeleel 5’ 5.l°“°‘“'°‘“l’}‘“”'”l"°g”"“‘"'5’“

(0 OSHA Mum‘ “gm hm” spenfic lypes ofwolk, eeenpauons, ‘Dr
Remus Far and Types -If OSHA hazards They are given a lug}: pnonty,
lnavaallm-5 3. Employee eemplmnls abeul and compllanee orheers allempl
Them Me ,1, Pnmm, mmm ,0, OSHA allegeel safety vlplanens or unsale Dr to make as many speelal emphaala
,m.Pemm, unhealthy wozkmg eenelmons may lnspeenensasposslble There ls, m
result m an mspecuon. OSHA wlll nm ran, a Natlonal Spzclal Emphasls

1- lmmm-2malangersih-ahomamiolr releasethenameofthecomplalnantli Pmgmmfnrlrznchzaand exeavalsens.
l>ri°my- Them are ~'Itu-man» where lhe cumplalnant eeqnesls zmonymlty compliance pexsonnel me eeqnneel
there Is a zonal chance the hazard Could OSHA wlll also keep Lhe eomplmnanas) tn mspeel any and all lrenehes and
mull m a death or ~ar-um mlury balm lninrmsd of any actlun lhal OSHA lakes zxcnvatlons {hey obazrvz

‘ha hazard Cmllal he Ellmmatzal lllmugh as result of «he complaint. At the lune ui

normalat-forcemenllrrocedures The lnspeelien,osHAmeqnneellepmvlde 5' F°"°“"“l"“‘l’*“‘°“’“’““““‘°‘°
Compliance Ofhcarwlll pmbably a~l< lhe epmpany with copies of employee “‘".‘l’ ”‘“‘ "‘°.'““°“" ‘1“‘ W“ “°‘°d
lhe emplnyu ID vnluntzmly abate lhe mm,,1a,,,., wmwu. .1“ Empyoyeg. ahmng almv-ou~' lnapanlon have barn

' abated
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14 . Auwnsas an Magazlnes 2017, l:sue2

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