Page 22 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 22

“Pu blic perception may be more important than regulatory requirements"
eeently l was pnvllcgcd tu ptpeltnes Carrylng many dttterent ktnds lnttrrmatton Reperttng Toul), damages
have Ruger Cox (a wondertttl tat products. The PSRs unly apply ta to underground utihttes- tuday are less-
man, a true leader tn damage speetlie types at ptpehnes For example than halt what they were 10 years ago.
preyenttart, prestdent at ACTS water and sewer ltnes are ptpeltnes but nut tltey are sttll oeeurrtng. Eaeh and
and a dear irtend) tn the audtenee as l the PSRs do not apply tu water and every urte ot the destgnated s-takehalder
presented a shun pteee lttled "P|pL‘lln£ sewer ltnes. Leaks and ruptures behave groups eonttnues tu be atteeted by
Potpounl” at the mpehne satety & very dttterently dependtng an what tnetdents assoetated wtth ptpeltnes
Awareness cnlteal lndustry summtt at ts tn the ltne. Natttral gas, crude oil, and, for that matter. damages tn other
lhts year's Common Ground Alhanee propane, gastrhne, dtesel tuel and many underground uttltttes.
(CGAF Cunvcntlon. I had talked a oLllex gassuo and llqulds am all canled
tew mtnutes about vat-tous ptpeltne by ptpeltnes hut behave very dlffnmnllv WM‘ d°°" ““ ‘l“’ h““’ “’ d” “'“1‘
V 1 _ — — puhlte pereepltan and regulatory
regulatory tssues, tneludtng ptthlte w ten released trom a ptpeltne
edueatton programs. Rager and l were Th _ i H ‘“ql‘;(““"‘“$" l_“’‘l‘}t‘‘‘ 7}“ P“""° d:’_°"
(mung mm,flm and h mmmd e eommnn message or a —no no now e rtgu a nry mqulmmen s
‘hat mm M my bum Pmm mmmd matter what ts tn the ltne, ti you and ti there ts property damage,
WM‘ hm‘ That bum Wm is ‘ht mm of reeogntze a leak or a ptpeltne rupture envtronmental tmpaet, or tt sutneone
mm Nude 1. Do NOT do illlykhillg that wallld gets lntonvcnlcnccd, tnptred ar
’ ‘ cream a spark arsouree afignilinll. ktlled and a ptpeltne l~ suspeeted, the
The regulattens ul eeneern were 2. Get away from it - upwind or ptpeltne wtll gel blamed. If tlte tnetdent
the ptpeltne s-aiety regulattons, 49 uphill far enough that ylnl eannat wtll sell an tttne ur newspapers,
CFR Parts 190 -99 (PSRs). Ltke many hear the noise, see or smell the the tourth estate (the press) wtll get
regulanans — and vlnually all saiety sllbstzlllce escaping, or, if it is lnvulved The taets and the regulattuns
regulaltuns — the Psks estalahsh loumirtg, a safe olistanee from the beeutne lxmlzvzml. Any eorreettons
mlnlmum reqtttrements: what ts the flames. 3. mal 911, explain your or retraettons wtll get bunnd tn the
mlnlmum that a ptpeltne operator has eotteerns, tmdfallaw tnstrnetions. newspaper and probably never
to do (0 be ”lagt1l?” The PSRs are not, Finally, 4. 1/ you know who the mcntloned on the news.
tn my optntan, wrttten fur the ”gnod" pipeline operator is and how to _
ptpeltne operators, they are wrttten to eontaet them, call the pipeline Th“ “‘“"“5‘ ‘° “‘° '°P“‘““°" W1“
gtye regulatory agenetes enough toals operator. P‘P“'"‘“ ‘“d“”"Y ‘”"” h“V° b“'“ “"““
‘D W ‘ht ubadll PIPE,“ Dpmmn to M‘ ‘ ‘ (1 b I H V U PAP 7 and dtlhe east of energyt wtll have been
Parts of the PSRs- requtre ptpeltne (stakeholders) to ltsten I-eople tn SAFE” PAYS! 5
eperaturs ta pruvldn tntormatton to general latieeted pubhe) have then lures
speetlie stakeholder groups (atteeted to lead unless they have had a prublem lelttt r('Ilrt'd/rarll PHMSA and ts ettrrrntly
puhltc, eleeted otttetals, emergeney wttlt a ptpeltne ar know someone who l/tee l’rt‘sIt‘l('llI o/ptpelttttr system Camflllr
responders, and exeayators) at has, the general puhlte tus-t does not ante and opehtttotts stwtees/or c2 [’l1rI—
tntntmum fltqtlfinnclcs lirtrmlannually care and has better thtngs to do. The ,,.,,, LLQ mm; M... ,gfnb1(Il.‘x2—'5_(nl"
Io onee every me years . T tese same goes tar poltttetans Etnergeney
partiettlar requtretnenls are what is responders are typteally somewhat
called to the ptpeltne tnduslry (and tn mare euneemed but they have su 2 1 4 9 1 3 B
g1AL‘Pl’SR) Publlc Awamncw Programs or malny Uilml’ lralnlng mqulmdl-nl:nl~, 9 3 V 1 2 6 4 7
s. un ess tterets ennttnutnge ucatltm “gang
The Purpose of PMS is m Pmwdc cfidlt eolnneetefd to the PAP llal~Unr‘d w 
h _ t L ptpe tnt tn ormatton gels tgrtort —,; 3 2 7
‘“f°"'“‘“"’“ “b°‘“ “‘“d°“” ''‘1“‘“‘ “mi due tu other prtortttes. Extavzllozs are '5 : 
3"‘ P'P“""“*‘ “'l‘“‘ M“ ‘W’ “’1‘"'“‘° hard to reaeh beeattse tt ts a htghly 9- 2 3 1 7 2
“W W "kn “"“' " “' ‘Wt “'*'“'° cL»mpL‘l|tlvL‘ Held and there  never .3 —= HHHH
are they, what happens when they leak ‘ h I ., H b ‘f d ,, g 9 
,1 1 1 Y enoug trne to Ca L ore you tg :,
or rupture, tt tatstould he dune tittey I V E h H‘ _ .,_
7 1 M or many 0 t e sma er ereayators nan
‘wk °’ "‘l’“"“’ 0"“ ‘“g° 1"“ "" ‘’ laestdes tt wtll never happen to me.’
that there are ~omt1ny dlifcmnt kmdsof V gnaan
2D~ trhonsatsnnloeoztaet 2Dl7,lssue2 A°“°‘d‘“$ “’ COM mm lD“"“‘5°

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