Page 20 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 20

com/NUED mom men
Ca I I Cente r Ope ratio ns and   to    
rL‘>p()n>1bility and accountability to thc law.
 ‘ ' ‘ L 2 Uncertainty (U111CCHFOYICTYICIIIPl’0(C*>\PC(lfiCfl"yflIId
11uwilwuIIld pmcccd
Incom in g 3. Dbvmualy, a lcarmng turvu my all p:\r[Ic~.
200-000 4. i think, in ~umu :.m1~, a utility cunlmcmr n1aynnt\\ii>h
M 122.478 0 loalicnatc a utility who i~ aim a (hunk
111*“ 301/ HDlLi1Uf"flIC cmmmmc dmmmm zi1;mr;m avimt me
* 011“ RENO yragmm 15 sumssmi>
4 5 Our mm-~\ mu bu ..ium.miy n1L‘:1~ul’l_'d by 0 lmpctul
' rcducliun of utility lhCldL‘h(~ that am defined within the
current law. If wu hm no cm. In hm bccauw all 1. going
301;, 2017 smoothly, we win be happy
no you haw rmyflmzl mougms or arivircfav athcrsmfcs
Qmgoi ng who am trying to amim .1 strougcr and mm cfymm
5000000 Sm Mn dmflrlgr pmiirlxtlalx pmgrrlln?
_ _ _ _ _ ’ ‘ ’ ' 7 while 2| dIK‘nC|Illpm(c~>,\\'1_' met [or ~L*\'cml ycar~ .:~
501043 0 5016 In(crc~lcd parUL‘~, trying m\v1.»rkoullhu xpu:Ific~[11at
93“ R3”) nucdcd rcvhmg .11 we had n:l.:u\'L~ agrucinunl prior to
Mtllllg down with the lcghlalilrc. \/\'c Wm aim lucky am
4 5 we had ChJmpmn~ of our c:\u~L‘ In mm the D11mScnatL~
. and the Ohm Hnu~c. nu. prose» did pmvcnt anv qnglc
‘ M  V 1 H >h:\m11uldcrfr<un getting all of what they wanted but
2016 0017  1 1  1 uvL‘rz\IlgntII~whal\\'u neededKora~an:ru|wImmnunl an
x,~— _
4 . i
\»A v _ JII| all 
1 1 V t._e~1i.;,1:;1..-,.»1:m1Wm
- lm " i1,»1;.11.1,/1.1“-.111;-.,11i1.1;,1W119 5 ,
' ‘ III--III. 1
Our local presense provides expenise, 
responsiveness, personal service and flexibility. ‘
r In...
More than 35 years 01 leasing experience
. W.  0  -an---E
- Conserve working Capital and Credit imes
- Hexibie payment opuons 0
nei.zri:1ns»:1ip,: r)':1'7Imvs .I.iii1. K'|‘H‘I . I 7 3 7
im» E\5‘(i'k size I ~:
‘L  M Financial 2 7 1
}UUi1’tSi,iiUi,t,> ,0_u,,<,_, M
Put me ffioreqmpmeni leasing to workforyou‘
14 ”
Jerry\1‘.i‘i\:~ur'i 0 , V V
_1i1.11:sm121er;aiui.1m;.nzmm k'_M‘W_‘_‘ M“ _;  . ‘me
VIWW efsa\ulion:~in(1:(>m _ 501“ (‘flu 9%“
18- Arkansas an Magazines 2517 !5sL1c2

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