Page 21 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 21

comwueu mom mg 15 pmmmem locauon m the workplace or . Make safety an Impmtam part of
Normal hmmgs my mm m “med glven lo (‘filth empluyee your cumpany’~ culrum and every lob.
cIlauon~ and xeduczd penaltlm. Upon xecelpl of me Name of Contmt, . Properly (mm all pL‘r~onncl
However, mnlxzclow and ulllmzs the me |S glven lo the Occupallnnal _ U_ Lh f

should dearly undzntand that lrdley Safety and Health Review Cclmmlwlon. ‘L ‘ “P|;'°P““'* ‘" °‘> Ch
agxze lo ~etlle me c.1~2, they [orfelk The Cornmhslun IS an melependenl “1“‘P‘“°‘“ ““ °°“‘”“°“°“ ‘° “"1"”
the light to (omen the (nation and agency not msoclzlled wlth osm or ‘M MW Wk-

proposed penalty. me vlolallun ml] the [ademlDep.1nmentofL.1buI, and II . 1; you M ..m,,,“,, flbuulhw. .0
alsu be placed on the eonleeeloex wlll mgn the case to an Admlmslraklve handle a dangmu, .,ml.,,,., Wk the
OSHA record, and eaulel be Iwed as [hm Law Judge who wlll ~c1\edule 2| heanng. Mp 0, ,,Ll,c,,. W1“, M mm. ;a,,,,,,a,
bzlsls for a repeat vlolauon, ll .2 unulax The ludge may uphold, rnudlfy, or W}, ,,,,,,x., mm, pmmdum
vlolallun IS med wnhm 2| threeyezlr Elmunale any Item oi the Cltzmnn cu '

penod. penalty lhe employer hm dlallenged. ' Fmflllyr If YOU have a Problem

B M ‘ I d Om the ‘W152 hm ruled, any Pm}, ,0 iollowlng an lmpeellon, n.»n~uIt a

“Cw” ” ‘° ‘“""“3’ ” ‘“l‘"“‘ ‘“‘ the case may eeque.-l a further mvlew good amvmcy who I~' nxvcrmnmd In
““‘1““‘°>' °‘ “‘°“”‘‘' "““"““$ "“d bv the Revlew comm-smn Rulmgs of hand!-ns OSHA manm Q
confined ~p2I:E ulatlon~ OSHA usually —
,/ ,, the Cummlsuon rnav be appealed to me
clas~n"les them as ~enous. Repeat — _
appmpnake us. CuurlofAppe.1l~.

vmlxmuns almost alwaw mull m more David Dow l. me/elllldel L7/Tr:l1thSl1/cry
severe pen.1luE~.Cnauon~ can even be Wha| is : "Slate Plan" Stale? ,,,,, swly , “W M, ,,f u,,,,C,X,,,,4,,,,
°'““““‘°d "‘ “W‘"‘“'/ ”'""““"" “ml Twentyqfivz <late< and vueno mm SW5! E’l"/I""“"/ LLC * auvplws
cnmmal dmlzm can be filed asmnst :1 admmme, ,1“, M mm, and mm mmlm srvfcfy prurimfs ml 5el'zlir('5
contractor or -mhty» Pmgmm and are mfmed m H‘ "Sm IL; mnafl utliun, ucnllaflurl, pm H;‘ZIII_l/
Nutter ofCantrst 7 Anytlme wnllm 15 Plan” «ales These ~t2lles mu~t adopt w("P'W5- Wm "sfM"1M‘5 M KWIWS
wuxklng day~ alter receipt of tltauolh slandaxeh and enforce mqulmments that Ct’!//*1‘/M 1-flfflwff/Cvl/Mernvhzs and
and proposed panaluew‘, the eommelm are at least as‘ slrmgznl a. the federal N“5’“’"’”/ T““‘~ ‘W ”' W1“ Rm 4*
hm lhe ugh! to me 21 Nance of Conkmt. xequuemem. Must of me.e slates have Sn“ Lnkr City, um and Sm: Amman,
A copy of the Name of comm must slmllax |n~‘pe:|1un procedures In iedual 7% UWVXWIIIM Sflfrfy E'1"1P”'“",
be gwen to [112 employe2’~ zlulhonzed OSHA. vwwlvs sulfa, WW1 éawvmmr; "W"
x2pr€~ent.1l|ve. ll an employee PM 3 Ga“ ommm BE mm? svrv}m and witty wmmx- Vrvf
bzlxgammg um! doe. not exlsl, a eopy and he mm“ m'r;"MIfm‘|n In wuw-Trer'r'r5nfr!y rum N mm

of M Home must be pasted m R > P » 5 umzel gwlltldsn/('1 y.wm

lhc hm place. How’
6‘ V ' ~/\
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