Page 12 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 12

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Crmsbum eeem. when Crmg ha. been around the 1ndIhkry h1s wnhem lotatna. we haw: um: pcIM1n
two Ilndcxground uhhhe. whe1e hre, m an off1c1alcap.1utylhL‘ whe gee. out and pm-m~pL‘:l~ (ha .01»,
un|ntcnuune1lIy1ntI:r~'L‘:l W121 yehm. H1~ father rctmsd {mm he..mn1nen1m we don'tcven go out
u~ualIy through the uic the ze1eeemnmmenhen. 1ndIhtIy after to zhm ,eh 1mm we get 21 clmckmark

1.»flrc11:hlr:»' dnlhng, 111 21 why that runmng 1n. own company, .e when DI’! Guoglc Docs'[n.»m1um ~ay1ng
c1.»mpn.»m1~caonc orbnth n1 1he Cxmg ehme Uulof the A1rFuIcc, he L‘vL‘ryth1ng1alucatcd out them Yeah,

1m1me.- Among the me.1e1nngemn.- at.1rlcdl\cIp1ngh1~' am. "In fact," ~'ay~ wc’xL‘ 21 10132:, 1een1e company."
amtlmac1n\‘ulv111g gm 1me.- pmmmg Cra1g"n1any()[thc peep1e who work Em PM dm mmhmg dmmmmy
.ewe11.he..T1.eme1n-1ry1. unmng m hem z1tI’ath :1ctuallyworkcd my my ,,

1ts\‘1g1lancL‘m dcvclop [atl\cIa11dI’\'c knownlhcm[1.»rm1.m: ;""‘}’;‘“3_' d‘-‘f*»Yf}:a1g~a)'.~,V Ynyuyuat
atmlcgma to combat lhL‘~L‘d.1ngv:mu~ t1'1a112UyL‘z1r>.." ‘“’L “W ‘“ >°“‘°‘”‘“3“*°“

a hem. when there n a nh1nyem.-en;
1ntnncct11.m~. ,
mh 1m. h vcry thomugll ~y~lL‘m for em path, we don (bore z1cma~1lunlcs~

Crmg cmm .5 the owner of rmh avcudmg :m~.~'bum dhastcx. ”WL"vc we .~ee .1."
UlllltyCunalruCt|Dn—21aclf-d1:~cr1bnd dc.1ltw1l1'1B11<1ncctl\cbug1nn1ng 1 ,

,. ,, Path . pul1cyI~t()u~v: vacuum

me No Chances Company out of Called Ioc;1lc~' m when 1 wuxkcd for my
, nsxlracuon and hand dlggmg on every
F.1Vcllcv1ll2,Ark.1naa~. 11 yen catch the dad a. :1 ma cummg <1ut()flhL‘ ~nrv1u:..
' , Mde of the cxwung l1nn—lop, bottom
mu and of on: u[ then Mondav saiutv n .- heen n gmat .1~s'ct(111 cvcry ‘ob. My
, ‘ V and both ~1dcs—bcfum cmmlng n.
mcL‘l1ng~, mm 11 rcal1zL‘ hew hue dm n guy~ cannot step [out onto £| ]ob.s1lL‘ ,, ,
C .  , Su1fvuu vc ge1e1ng1.p1e.-mnega.
Ia1g~ay~, The 1n.1 thmg rJ1z1nkL‘doul —
,  them and you em. .ee .1 wnh vollr own

ufourmoukhsh Tz1k2nucl1.1ncn~! —

10 . Ari<.:nsas51)M.!g.:11ne 2019 1551122

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