Page 12 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12

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“ hen Ihe excavaliun site silnalinn In; but]: themselves and the alnlost impossible to zcruralely describe
cannot be clearly and lncalors marking u.n.- jobs. Even .-. job site.
adequatelyidenlified clearandzccurate infurmalinnrelzyed F V 1 ‘h I. kl .d .1 _k
onthelocaletickel, verbally nrinwrilinglo nnepersnnmzy d°'§;“““l‘*’f' ° '1‘V.°.:.“’d" f'“‘[‘

Iheexcavalordesignaleslheroule nulbeclearlu znulher. 9° “"3 ° P’°P" -" ° * °“,"’-
and/or area to he éxmnmx using "°"‘ “‘ P"°P°“-" "‘““‘ P"°P““-" ‘"

Wm P__mm_kmgvmhmnmor d‘c:f1£‘\eIE11fes‘1Icz1{}:n1\irzLf}EexlvV1‘ njnn )1 in house‘ Tut|1:Vc‘all:I‘,fr‘on‘l_
elecIronically(w}|en availablethruugll ‘ ‘“ .°‘:"fl““ ‘’'‘‘l‘'* E‘ “_‘*} fh P;"P:“.-‘ “‘“‘V‘]|.1’}’:°"V*‘ l»‘d‘." T3 °

Ihe one all renter) prior to or during fl““.““d‘J5j:“.‘l 9 l‘°d*“*(€‘ U“; “:“f“ h ‘:h ‘*.‘d ““‘Ffh‘" “ "”‘:“V “V‘,§“'l;
IherequxestfurlhelocaleLickeI."As m;°";j :‘V‘“.”b.‘° in “‘.*"' " V‘: *5“ .V:‘:’°_;"‘df’ V :‘h*V

an excavator, Ihis Common Ground d_‘*"."=n»‘V“;"’” ““‘;‘ ‘ 9 P‘*"‘t  f"“l‘_‘*t"‘d‘}:"‘° °Vh°l 1* ‘W’ " 3?“
Alliance (com Besl Przclice we.-sann .t“V5.l‘l‘l‘kY t“’°“l5“. j“““'“"‘l" :.“” h"'f “(Ed f‘““‘:““?h wjxpl“ °‘ _”
nliojisone uflheeasieslloolsyullcan “.“' 3‘; ‘?“1;:““‘ ?”:‘;‘_°“.‘°“ “ °“n“d ‘;“L“°'h “‘ ‘? ":3 °'
“smim_med|”,fimV_qVDf)V°“V n ,n:.]x_ $315. dtacldsfileu ;...Iann.. nnsnfrii :cd.n:hnsa..,es.£
Emma“ PrMess>ThE_g97m.fl_‘V 3snlndnn.n _fin def: rless. nin mun en a no eenmzr n u 212
smdVV.‘Pmmi_w nVhlkSafmVuMwh mcu esspeu n esunpuunswll .n Iheexcavzllonwasacutallytakmgplacey

EV » , = V .  = Ihesileaddresssucll asfmnI,l:ack. he was 5.1..-mud because he thought

“‘*""“‘°“ D‘““E* "’°“““”" by .-3.1.: n.- 1211 side (when fzcinu Ihe he ma.-kndwnamnucknm11e.n.3.-
IheNTSBreachedlhecunclusiuntllal 3 I _)_d._ I. ( 1h= “V *
,n-e.nnrkangisnp.-ammhazhelps :gggcjgfiéblz:;;°::n{:::W;zfi  Tllisisnotlusay,Ihera.llerwas\wong,
preventexcavatmndznlage. ._ _ _ _ . 1’ hutitislosavlhallhe direrliunswere

oi nefemnce, and zccux ale d|stances -

V V V,‘ k I‘ . ._ V]. . k V . . .. Ilnrleartn Ihe lnrzlur and the vrrong
E)maulurs\\ an at eumem wnle Irnm nnwnpumts.Someumeslls .1 V 1 ‘ dd‘ t dial“, fit
line"Iheirjnbsitescreatezv.\'in—\vin ‘”‘"“5 "‘“ 3 ‘ "'9
ID .  s11Mugu1rne 2020, Issu,-2

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