Page 11 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 11

and away lroin lne wlieel and pedal. l a roadway. for exainole. uni overall. and tesufned 0" the ether side Beth
resigned rnyselno wearing ine sealhelt il "painIs' a elearer pitture olilie interserting road names were -ne_h-ded
it was equipped with and envisioned exeayalors intentions. And ilit allows in em l_c-evate request and at the time.‘
inyselr as Pamelli Jones or Junior a more emsieni marking prntess. lhzn white lining was nm a ea-n-non r-raeiiee»
Johnson strapping in before a raee. But ilie time saved can lie used to eor-reelly. Ens; after V:5ilUi1€‘h9J°1’5“?v ilweni
inanlrlnlly, lne habit did take. aseo.-alely mark oiiliiies on that job or yt e part 0 he interseetic-n w iere
. . . ll ' 1:, ll l h’ l r ilie road sianed to ‘"0 ,' 500 yards 01‘
5D where am} going with this. an-i_h°}*' f}(,:;r"§°u5.:y_ D W K 1 pmmm 53 fly so lsorn our inlended Excavation. It was
could it puss-hiy relate to white lining? covered with an array or rlags. Those
I am sure that my wife. who kindly _ * , responsible (or marking ilie utilities
reviews every article (or me will ask the "~‘ H 1- 1' ' / ‘ .s  v had done ,hEi_.J-D1,‘ wmmy to (hem, question. l learned this hehavinr. , and WE had as My Ncmhelm‘ we did
this habit, not because it was the right 1;! I /: ' 1'  ’ I 5 . '  nc-I gel die results we nezdzd c1a_.,m.
thing to do or heeause someone else f a , comlnuniczlion would have nelped, and
iol‘d-ne_that‘lshc-uld do it: I learnen , 1 < ‘_ 3;.‘ ‘ \ ,  . e " while lining is ayeiy efieeiive way or
ll. lngralned |( lulu myself. beeanse n . , , doing .1“...
asnieyed resnlis, the results l needed. It ,_~ x : .« . ~ " . ,» _: . g. t‘ _, / h h h
worked. when it eornes to white lining. _ So. t e message is t at. w enever
l arn asking all or you to do ine saine. _ , i 3: . _ > it ,;« ' possible. to intelrnallize the safety
s .,r reeaoiion. nol oo in at it as a
‘V]{“‘“ '“““‘=‘ "I "‘_a"Y.""“'";‘a“‘”.b“‘ Years ago. we were extending a roadway time. is a more eifieient way nfgetting
[ah meianreptions» and Wm mn,,m,a”y ,.Eqmu,,g lama: ilie resnlis needed [or sare exeayalion.
ennns with n.i.,..a....ns  in part {;‘E';f;:;::“;:§ 3;; ;g;;'f;j§j;;:n :“§;fn‘;,;";’;“;:‘j,“r };’yj§‘;§;;{f;§"*“
°‘ ""3 1”’ ‘:“‘“"‘9 ‘° "59 ‘his ‘‘’‘’1- ‘ 35'“ Tlie problem was lhal llie inre.-seelion mush the better. fl
inai sorne slles do nol lend lliernselyes .
, - . . where the roadway was to begin M. 1...: .......l. ma: a. rrlzv p7l\IdL!Il ufllu:
to pre marking cu that In some tases.  . ,
h. 1. . H y I yogged several lnindred ya.-ds across Gully! I on & r,.., 4... uflv .,..l..., n..../..
 1:';‘z:§d“"?l‘;n  5*“ another road Willi a dmereni name mm tlnm mean
  Damage Pmtectian, Fast, Easy, -nu Accurntel
- Create aennea cross bole inspection names
B O A R DWA L K - lniemal logging with noon on. analysis
- Real time distortion alens
-lntemal calibration checking
P|PEL|NE PA RTNERS° §.’Z§'§Zn”3I‘a'3."s‘.‘l'n'."w.”.i'.“.".'5fL'Zf.3T‘“
Receiver and Swan Yrarvsmlrlar
Committed to operating Pipeline Assets
in a safe. reliable and compliant manner
and providing the highest level of
...n..o ..n.s....e.e.s burn 1mm2' or Lurzll gasrmrvsmlsslml and
aura 150 no .. lnnnlh with o. vC:mMx—z dlwlbuuun lmn no mam
. lninacllun c.....a am... uulny lucarol
lrnuuumlssluilolllr. Viv-x-MulmllchCarpal-Ilinn E: .|--an-as In
Ballrmmyumlu on o.a...s.... n. M. Emil .....a........n
5-nucl-r=,r:Av5n54.usA Prism o14rla—7aHmn
2020 lssue2 ArlunsasE11Mag:zlne . 9

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