Page 13 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 13

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eilherparty. Cnnsequenlly,frustrations Nut marking the 2nlir2\vm'](siIeisa enjoyzblelotaiktolhe folks inthe

uccllrred in bulk tile exravalnr and common occllrrenre. ln many uses, ii is ufiire. but oft limes they dmil really

lucator and bat]: suffered down lime as Ihe direct result of nuclear instructions know what's going nn 1| the job sile.

Ihe result. And tile dawn lnns cast but]: nn tile asks. and almost always 50, having tile cell number oflhe site
companies in their imllom lines. compounded by the lac}: nfwilile llnlng supenrism‘ or the cunlarl person nn

... . . 'trl'Ll|til I‘ 1. "lb '1'] l.r

Io underslandfnrlucamrs,loo,Ti|e la" _a Eolfmmckmm __msd_E J ’

iucalors sns looking for sperific m“;5;_“fi_imi‘m Proms agd mimfim ln this nsny dlmsnll time of coping‘
Infonnatnmlilal lelslhem know ‘he mm M dmmmd Mm wnh -snslnllllslnnung",nsns.-llnsn

w ere umarz ‘ is ininw amnn . . . ". sen more im an an ominimize ace

" ‘ k M“ 1 = “ Ihe Possibility‘ oiduwn uniefnrhoth 5 P ‘ “ ‘

a proposed excavation snsa lslls ‘he §:mm;md ‘mm “,,_m In sass disrussinns. “"hile lining and

Ihem where to spend tune finding MM and __d“w m__ki_w m dfmm sharing good rontacl nlunizlers can
Ilndergrmuldulilitiesuncethev arrive = . » . .= . goalongwavln) nnlunlv prnmnle a

. » methods nl an 3 pi: —. . - »

nn sns. Because tile lucatnr has a dear Sm wh“hE__ law or Smfi healthy lllestyle, but ran create a safer
indiralinn nl tile exravalion area, less ' = ‘ enviromnenl even ailer we nverronie

lime is spent on areas where excavation However. there are Limes when Ihe Illis national crisis.

will nul occur. This gives Iile lnrzlur the lncalor and excavator must (all: to s

. ~ Help one annlher uni. slnn-s Ihose

Iimelo accllralelvlucalellndergrullnd one anutheron the phone. To make . . ,

.  - . . plmnenlmlizlersandlr\'wiuleluungfor
laulmeslilatneed protertmndllnng Ihalhzppen,Ii'ielnL‘aIormIIsIilavea _m B.” d an-, -
excavation. good rnnlacl number. Not that it's not 1"“ 3 "H" 5 *3-W

;‘02i’1,!ssuz;‘ Arkansassll Magazlmn . 11

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