Page 18 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 18

—. 3; .~« .4 , M, 4.‘, 7 " 3 . . 'r . it lus aruelers the drst ln a senesotartteles that
.‘ ‘ ~-  ' ‘L13;-l‘,(1"i ,\H 3.1’-.‘{_/-_‘; '5‘  ‘ pruposes to focus on how states have responded
 .  &;'~.f‘-€\]i",:',-1 [as .a'.‘l‘ mt‘, ‘ ‘;.-3 '  wllh sureess to rreate a stronger and more ettecuve
.4  , r{“"!u"s,,'xg’«; _~ ‘J; l w’ l . V I 2 F‘ g N darnage preventron program at the state level.
_.‘t. . En _, Hopefully stakeholders worlcrng tngetlmr whu arc tryrng
5, - ‘ r_ -l -y I to get srrnilar legrslatiun passed and seem to be getting
'-a--,;':‘/’ nowhere can beneht from the erfurts of thuse who have been
,  . _ ~ sueeessrul |n the past few years Iheretsnotneeessanlya
_ ’ ,’ - *:. ~r bestway, but there rsaway.
Ohm 3 D ama s raareaaaeararay.aar.aaaretre
Q best ID rarn. whrle there are several states wrth re rams
P 5 P g
' g , r, . -9‘ that are etteetrve, l would hesrtate tu ldnnlliy one as herng
reven Ion ~ :1,» ~ a 
1 . l would enrtrurage yuu to work together as stakeholders
Pro fa m I n c I u . S to bulld a stranger and more effzcllvc program. Don’l arst
_ 1 — include those who agree wllh you, fur you wlll surely eross
E n f r e n t t - the path of those who don't bcfnm you get to the state caprtol
0 c m e V burlding
_ _‘ I Educate those slakelloldu groups along the way. changrng
;;::;_‘sLj;g—‘- . . behaviors and/or cultures requrres vtston and patrenee, hut
arr:  H a ‘ ' also a plan. lhear, "It as not possrlale to get that done In our
7 ' state," and l respond that rt rs herng done every day by thuse
xv ;_ . who thought rt cauldn’l be done
'7‘ 5 g. The questions below were subrnrtted to Joe lgel. Mr. lgel,
‘ 7. i ‘ recently retrred as vrce presrdent of the George] lgel & cu,
,—’ ; t’ lnc, a 107-year old iamlly business, where he served ln
Q nurnernus departments for over 35 years, most recently in
Health, satety Kt Educallon as well as Human lzesourees
-» » _ I ‘ _ " He haslaeen aettve in the oluo utthtres Pmlecllon servree
,4 A.
’; - *7, ,. ae - for over 15 years, as a curnrnittee member prror to loerng
y . _ e \ - ,! elected as a trustee representrng the exravatrun rndustry
-  :\ 1!.  and has served as secretary to the Board, Chair and on
g ‘ _ a ".1 ‘ U  nurnernus enrnnuttees. He has been active ln the central
F - Rx, , -" ' _ ohro Damage Preventren cuunctl, a CC.ARcglonr1l[’r1rmez,
/ \, . : . - 2, also servrng as then presrdent. He has been aettve ln the
.  /J  ‘ ‘ ,' 1 Ohio contrartors Assoeratron, the ohru chapter or the
"  ' \  , _ ‘ Amcllcan sulartantractnrs Association, the l3urlders' Exchange
} s ' . _. _=’ 3 er _. A Di central ohte, and eo-chatr ui the ohro underground
‘3. . ' I‘ ‘ ‘ ._ I‘ . Damage Preventlon Cozlllllun, whreh worked to unprrrve the
— *  I C /,7  .22 legrslatrve envrrunrnent ln Ohlo and recently helped secure
. A '= ,..,}«‘. 5 a second set of legrslatrve trnprovernents ln the dig laws |n
.; an‘, I f-:» .1’ ' Dhlo. He currently serves as a member of the Underground
, ~,  l ,_  ‘ Teehnrral conunrttee (mo, charged wllh entorcrng the rnost
: nit ( , 1.1..  recent revrsron to Ol1|u's law.
:7 .~  - 4».-> . .
K” ~. -r r wh oh ' d l (17
r . .
. \  ‘ mums ms rg I11!/p/155!
.r, at \ , . A ~ tr
«. e r ‘W. The law that we arecurrentl o eratrn underrsarevtsaen,
, at , . .r y P g
V _‘_« ‘ ‘ -Ilj,-z actually the second revrsron, lo the orrgrnal that dates back
,_,__: [_ ,. " ' to 1929. The law was updated to retlert new terhnolegres
. and rnterpretatrons ln December 2012 The entoreernent
r provrsrons were passed in 2014 and enacted in 2015, although
the urc was not "st:aI2d” unhl January 2016
Can you summarize the steps in getting the eh/oroemerrt
ymvismll ynssed and how Yang the process tank?
Many staleeholders fell the srngle largest shnrtconung of
the old law was rts lack of entoreernent. starne parties were
cernrertable wrth thrs deaeteney and gettrng then. to gave
~ ~_, ,,_e_,g _ .«~ up that level ui comfort was dlfflcull. ln additlon, there are
_ ? : . ’" r prtrvrsrons of the law that are left unentoreed, allowrng thern
A ' u . J ,
16 . Auarlsas s11 Msgazmes 2017, l:sue2

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