Page 17 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 17

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«I.»  t._--, ‘!.> _ K ;=_—, 3:» V ___ ~, . . . me. an v1Ir)§i1II)IlIsmDH L’ IIY o HIHYIW o rrsnrntw e
,.,_,w,_, Hm“, o5HA,“§P,di,,M allow the oiiieer to tour your iobsite by 5 As eshow of good tnith, >

hienseIt/ heneit. inunedinteiy shut down machinery or

Imt like you, OSHA Compliance equipment that the Officer aays does
O“,m,.im,“,0i,,D du Tim}, - Answer all questions truthtuiiy, mlm2ElOsHA3mndmm
appmciiilecommun cuurlesy, and they gutd;>"t>:(YDluhtee!ehy‘t3ft>rm§t¥‘>ni,e Cl . C f
mpmd i'1‘*‘pOSiuvE mm“, when voi ma ingstatenients atniig t using an ereiiee
they see a ~'tr-cere mm-mtmeht te °‘’“°"“_‘d “ “" “‘_‘“‘’;‘°“ °‘ 3""? 3"“ In most cases‘, onee the inspection is
anfety. Fullnwmg are 2| tew suggestions do net aveeulate an to ow an Me-dent mmplmdr me Compmm mm,
that may Pmve helpful In handling an °“‘"‘““‘ wiII huId a brief closing conference.
imveetivn - Explain items that the coinpiinnee The oiiieer viiii review the alleged

. ca.,,,ew,.iy gm, me compliance Officrsr does not understand or \'IDlatIDn~' with you. You shouid lake
OK“, and inked“ y,,mE,f‘ inisinterprets, but do not argue. wzilleniriotzaslsu that you ca: intonn

yourseety ireetororeoor malnr

' Re-Iuestand examine the offiterk ' The C°"‘P““"“° O“‘“““’‘‘' of the resuits oeeasioneiiy, a Closing
eiedentieis, and ask the seope and cuntemnm Wm be Postponed “mi
ream fer the vmt Aak what Iehs-te - the Compliance oiiieer discusses the
nzcordsIh2OificerwantsIomview l)n lltll f.-Iw lhv ingpmiun mi, i.,,/i,2,,.,pE,k,,..,
Determine which workers and I . . .. _ _
company ottieinis the Officer want. In ( ( t I I I I D] I :1 I mt ( ) I I I I «I I‘ Emvlexets "W5 Mew"-E en OSHA
interview. , It-spectwn

_ “you haw any mmnmusped I l H‘ tli ( (‘xx In ) till 1 Inforniniuenriiigs — Einpioyets have
that the Cnmplliincsflfficeris not I , ‘ I I N U , the fight te amhformal hearing with
kgmmm’GHYOMOSHAAM Om“ i ()1 lllllt II \ Hltl_._( . the osHAAreepiienortoIIuwin;;
and veiity his /her credentiais recetpt at a C-tattvn and pmvosed

penalties‘. The alleged vioietions,

' Explain tn the Cemplim-re Officer anv penalties, and /or abatement
that YD-It eomimhyk policy regnmhng P""’“"'V ‘"““ “°‘°" P"°‘°°' "‘d°""' requireinents can be diseussed. The
OSHA impectieha tequitei that you “mi ’“f“"f“’“".‘“."_‘°‘ Y"“d°.l:l°“1;‘ d° the OSHA Area Director has the aulhnrity
immediately eontactywrmninoffice ”“"“ “ “°"“‘“.“$°° ‘ *3“. °‘Y°“ IoiznlezInloasettlsmenlagraemenl
Your eornpenys surety director or ‘E “*9 ‘““":il’:fFf"“‘“"*’ °’l V_“‘“°” “°"‘ that could revise the citntiim and/Dz
coordinatvrmny vtjant tn he preaent ‘ “°“"‘‘ ““ ‘ “““ ""5 °“' penalty. In inosteeses, the OS!-IAAz2a
ehmns the Inspection, in which case - Do not give the Camplinncrs Officvsr Director wiII show the Company the
ye“ may requeat that the nffiter watt iiee access to yuur doeuinent storage evidenee, Including pictures or videos
until he/ she arrives Piovide oniy those documents the Reviewing the evidenee may heip

. it ‘hz OSHA c,,,,,P,,m,m Omm W Officer speciiieaiiy requests And mnki: the eiirnpany ineke a more intonned
a WWW M WW “Pm Pwmdmg a photocopy Dfench document hetore decision rzgnxdmg setiiernent of the
with the Inspection Iietore yuur sntety tummg them ever we-
director/tourdlnnlor nrnves, you . Maire H i;,io;EmPi.,y£e,.. me CONTINUED ONFAGE19
shouid accompany the oiiieer. Do not cnmpimm gem, ,,,.E,,,,.3.,,5_

2017, issvee Arkansas 511 Magazines . 15

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