Page 19 - Arkansas 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 19

to he settled in eoiiit as necessary. ihythni in its diseiissions and in its (whlch aie piihlic, ot eoiiise), theie is
However, the coalition did addies. deeisioiis. Also, ubtnimng the piopei no pioyision toi testiniony during the
the laigei issues, the ones that eieated doeiiinentation hoin the Complamant meeting and decisions aie based solely
signitiennt poiiions of the damages we and the Respondent has been diiiieiilt. iipon the eyidenee siihniitted thioiigh
weie seeing. Ymmxmn is mmymm My” the desk audit.

sinee this ieyision was the second to the right? Him many alleged violntians hm
law, and since we had leanied to wurk _ _ bun rtpnrfeil since the program was
Iogalhez in the ant, this procvsa did ‘*5’;1;:'3§};;g;=g;§n§;§j§;1;;°;;8gl;[§ zsmblished?

go easiei the second time. still, it tuck * ~ - .

._ _. . . , . so tai, ioi the yeaiznle, we aiein
Dvel a yeai of diseiission hetoie the what is the cammxttu s nits in the . ‘ i H 3540 _ _ A ‘E Y
ievision was drafted, a lot or siippott Enforcement process.’ :;°f‘§ d” ":“‘5 fy I CT“; I“
tioin oiii legislative ehanipions and 2 n‘ WC d .d _ h h . 1 . f “ 1‘ .“l° °°“‘;’."'“t°‘“h ‘F "“ *3
lot or eleventh hoiii phone calls to get h 9 K‘ E‘ W 9‘ E’ “ "‘° 2“? ° °‘““*’ “‘“. “f“§’b“‘l5 “I E “Wd"";“:h
me am, mm“ paMd_ t e lnwtotcufrred and assesses w et ei :]DTl:1&l'|'||XnlEn e , ii no ie eiie , o e
a inone ilry ne, a non-inone aly
Hnw many art an the cnmmittu and penalty Dr a eonihination ot the two
how linig did it take fin the mmmittee he issiied ioi the non-eoniplianee. The Wk” "E W” ”"’"g"" ""‘"" "’h‘”
. . . . zzpyears ta he ii low number ofrzparfed

to be aypnlllttd? I;‘LlCdO is tasleeddwith C0l‘l’|l'l'LLuIIlEiIt|ng Emmi m.nhm.m_,

Theie aie 17 inenilieis of the eoinniittee ‘ ‘’ .“‘::i““ ““ "l‘”:"“5 _ 1‘, “T2: d ‘ ‘h k m _ 1 __

‘mm difimm mduslry gmupfi zeaiiiie D“E|.ll'tl'|EdI| a dO31h sit iitii e , in eie aie seyeia ieasons.
Appointinent ot the hill Erulxp lock “°’ f’: 1° ft‘ m““UTC* *9“ ’ “"5 i. Althuugh the entoieeinent

Dvel 12 months ttoin the date ui “P” E "C ‘’ ‘ pioyisions passed in Deeeinhei Z01-I
enaetnient and ioiighly toiii inonths Who pnaaides the ittvestigafion? and heeaine etteciiye in Motel. 2015
nttei the eoniinittee heenine initially , they did not become ”activ2” iintil

The lnvzstlgallun is eondiieted by
active mm “H N 3 ad“ mm ,, The Ianualy 2016. The level oi awaieness
T . z * ’ ‘ ' that was inised during that one yeai
a dats, what do you think were/are coinplainant and the Respondent ate .
. . . . . . . ediieation penod saw large niiinheis
the must tiifiicult/important steys the to submit a statement of their position .
. , . of staheholdeis nioying to insiiie tlieii
cmnmlttu took. along with any documentation they . . , .
N H mm” whils ‘he mm Drgnmzahon s eoinplinnee with the law.

The eoininittee is still dzvzluping * P * Many changed theii inteinal policies

. ,, ,, . . ate weleoine to attend the meetings

its pace as it attempts to achieve 2| L-oNyWi,p[, my ps5; 15

i | ' I 0 We Help Protect What Matters Most
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Enovdzinfl Chtmnllii
2017, issaee Arkansas an Magazmes . 17

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